Heading into 1986, the El Rukns were already in the spotlight again when they went into the murder for hire business. El Rukns still sported black, green and red colors. This building has been torn down. When he caught a case and ended up in prison in the late 90s it pretty much brought about the extinction of the Moroccans. Bodies began dropping as El Rukns viciously fought with rival gangs and they were exercising violence against the Black P stones on the south side that wouldn’t obey sanctions made by the Chief. Violent example were made in the streets  for offenders that touched these stores that were marked by the Stones. Mar 28, 2016 - Almighty Black P Stone Nation - Yahoo Image Search Results The charges in this new round of indictments was legendary and many El Rukns couldn’t even afford council and had to have court appointed defense attorneys. The temple was just one block north of the Titanic P Stone headquarters at 43rd and Indiana located exactly at 4233 S. Indiana Avenue (Four-Trey). Throope was getting many of the Main 21 members connected in with the Heroin trade and this is when the Stones started getting in deeper with this business. Martin was then led into an alley and shot in the back of the head three times in 1969. Wells projects. Frank Balistreri was then locked up until June of 1971. The “African Hut” which was located at 6414-16 S. Kenwood Avenue in the Woodlawn neighborhood at 64th and Kenwood. Leroy Hairston gathered many to support this take over and several Stones found the courage to begin this coup which was a concern to Fort’s followers who were still the majority. Founder: Pirus. Titanic P stone leader Ray “Scooter” East was taken into custody as he swallowed a bunch of bags of drugs to conceal evidence. Fuddy was apparently infringing on El Rukn Cocaine operations and allegedly Chief passed down the orders to take him out. As far as I know there was no action to their rivalry while both men were locked up in Joliet area prisons. The trial was a big one and lasted for months but eventually the greaser boys were convicted of the murder. (Black,White,Red and Gold) Snitches get stitches, don't talk to anyone about our business. Larry Hoover accepted this alliance between the two nations and a total cease fire went on for about a half a year with some violence here and there. Other El Rukns brought up on murder charges were Derrick Kees, William Doyle, Ray Ferguson and Derrick Porter. The Chicago based Nation of Islam group was organizing the event to honor their guest speaker Louis Farrakhan as he was to deliver an impassioned speech. What are the three colors used to identify the BPS . The Black P Stones Jungles first emerged in California in 1969 [2] and had operated in the West Adams area of Los Angeles. Many have said our government and the feds feared a group of blacks rising too much into power, the concept scared them, especially since the Stones had the ability to move masses and this scared the system. In the days when Jeff Fort was in power and on the streets or running the nation from prison there was law and orders to follow. Peck was shot at least 15 times while he sat in his squad car at the intersection of 62nd and Woodlawn. Fort now was fully aware of what his Main 21 was up to and he decided to authorize the business, something Eugene Hairston would have never consented to but Fort needed $80,000 in bail money and wanted payment from then on. He hated seeing mothers strung out on dope while their children went hungry. Maniacs were not a hustling type of group instead they were kinda military like just like the El rukns. Despite the fact every Libyan official ever interviewed emphatically denied involvement with terror plans with the El Rukns it was still said the Libyans created an agenda for the El Rukns to follow in exchange for this $2.5 Million. There were an estimated 700 … Jeff threw an open house type celebration in a building that served as the temporary headquarters so that he could share his new uplifting and spiritual beliefs. This group may have even dropped the name before the El Rukn declaration. By the summer of 1969 the Gangsters allied with the Disciples to create the “Black Gangster Disciple Nation.”. The peace between Stones and Disciples was shattered on May 8, 1968 when Ellis Rebel Stones attempted to assassinate Disciple leader David Barksdale after falling into a trap. These syndicates were neighborhood drug dealers, pimps, illegal gambling operators and worked as fences, they even had their hands in the policy racket. One legendary example was the Englewood race riot in November of 1949 when rumors that Jews and communists in the community were helping blacks to take over the neighborhood caused a major violent riot. During the trials there were multiple El Rukn witnesses that had turned snitch and investigations were made upon them when rumors flew around that they were using drugs and alcohol while incarcerated. The programs that were directed by T.W.O and other organizations did not provide proper direction to groups like the Stones and even gave them too much responsibility like being teachers over other students before the teachers even had the chance to be students first. This arrangement only lasted a month before El Rukns felt the King Cobras had broken their promise and were stepping on El Rukn toes, this is when Chief ordered three of his men to “medium rare” Theotis Clark. In June a rally was held at Soldier Field for 60,000 people to listen to Martin Luther King speak. Black gangs on the south side of Chicago were never as vicious or as active as white gangs around the city. Hulon brought in this “friend” who was undercover F.B.I agent James Cross. Eventually Crowder was demoted from freebasing Cocaine and Roger Bowman took over. The meeting was supposedly arranged by youth Outreach worker Charles Lapaglia that was supposedly known to police as a low-level Heroin dealer connected to the Outfit, making Lapaglia seem to lead a double life. Sammy Knox was on trial for that murder case and one of the witnesses to testify was Patricia Mckinley. During his time in jail the program became disorganized as many Rangers began engaging in fraudulent activities with the grant money. Fry wanted the boys to come to the church and have meetings there so they could learn to become a community-based organization instead of being a street gang. Legends have always said that young Jeff Fort created the “Blackstone Rangers” in 1959. Jet Blacks also had a section in the same neighborhood at 45th and Indiana. Jeff Fort only wanted his chosen Main 21s present that he wanted to convert to to these new ways that were soon to be announced. Rangers were more about black power than Vice Lords originally were, and this brought about African rooted literature and symbols for the Rangers. The Black P Stones Jungles first emerged in California in 1969 and had operated in the West Adams area of Los Angeles. [2] Over the years the P Stones had grown into one of the larger gangs that were in South Los Angeles. Soon a war ensued in 1975 between the younger brothers and this got Lil Bull thrown in prison for violent crimes. He looked very concerned because he knew much worse would come from the removal of an organized kingpin. A prison disturbance also went down on April 22, 1975 when a religious group known as “Beni-Zaken” helped inmates carry out a disturbance by bringing drugs to Eugene Hairston so he could use them to control Joliet Correctional as Hairston was now beginning the earliest stages of trying to take over Joliet prison now that Fort was moved, this action caused a prison riot that resulted in one death. It was also suspected that Cogwell was killed as a result of a mob related hit which is the more likely scenario because one of his close associates was killed at about the same time. Jeff Fort himself organized the Stones to maintain order even when Stones advanced on Mount Carmel school and rocked a bus full of white students. 8. Another issue was many Main 21 members began using Heroin, as the access to the drug now became easy. Chief turned this into a branch for the MSTA called “El Rukn Moorish Science Mosque” that was ran and headquartered by the El Rukns. By the end of 1966, there was major frustration building up in the Woodlawn community over the violent gang wars between Rangers and Disciples over the crossing of Woodlawn Avenue which served as the dividing line between the gangs. This was another building with several apartments. One September night as Disciples were shooting dice near the building, Stones planned the “Svengali Massacre.”  That night Stones tucked shotguns and handguns in long coats. Main 21 leader Charles Edward Bey was one of the Main 21 members arrested for the shooting. The alliance's term … The Disciples were never convicted of mismanaging the same funds, perhaps because they did not have many black power messages like the Stones did; therefore, the Stones seemed like a bigger threat just like how the Black Panthers were in the same classification. The gang was originally formed in the late 1950s as the Blackstone Rangers.The organization was co-founded by Eugene Hairston and Jeff Fort.In later years, under Fort's leadership, an Islamic faction of the gang emerged, naming … The “Morroco” which was located at 6410 S. Minerva Avenue near the intersection of Woodlawn Avenue and Minerva Avenue in the Woodlawn neighborhood. The biggest outfit among the south side black community was the policy racket that was a form of organized crime. Another big trap was the channeling of almost a million dollars in government funding for Stones and Disciples to direct their own job training program. The raid happened as El Rukns were deep in prayer. This was again a building with several apartments. Some of those in attendance did not like this new way and the most vocal was Eugene Hairston. Chief wanted all the leaders eliminated as they took over leadership until they finally ran out of steam. Once the coalition and conversion of gangs happened in 1966, the Englewood chapter would grow larger, especially between 54th to 56th Street in the Back of the Yards and Englewood and West Englewood areas. Our government locked up influential leaders like Larry Hoover and Jeff Fort, but this has only left the streets in a worse condition. I am going to conclude this piece with an excerpt from the television show Chicago P.D. Stevens hedged his bet on Hairston and took the Titanics under the wing of Hairston; now Hairston was running the BPSN in both prisons which was a major power move and showed that he was still more than relevant. This alliance caused … After the raid the entrances and windows were sealed with cement so no one could enter. Bibbs didn’t remain an El Rukn for long and actually used his temporary membership with them to connect heavily to the El Rukn Ts and Blues sources he then flipped back to a Titanic in 1981 which pulled more of the market into the hands of the Titanics; this is when Chief gave out sanctions to eliminate the Titanics. The Black P-Stones engaged in various criminal activities including murders, robberies, illegal drug trafficking, and obstruction of justice. Legend also says that the Stones pestered the owners and basically forced them to leave the building while the Stones took over the top floor penthouse on the roof and the hallway leading to the penthouse. If you ever heard of the saying guilt by association, well this was a prime example. The stores most collected from where Jewish owned businesses that usually charged higher prices for products, thus, somewhat taking advantage of the community and the Stones were taking some of the extra money back. The Jungles appear in season 2, episode 1 of the television series Southland and season 1, episode 12 of Gang Related, as well as the music video for the Wacka Flocka Flame song "Hard in da Paint". During the time both leaders were locked up law enforcement closed in on the Rangers as a major war with the Disciples ensued until March 4, 1968 when Disciples and Rangers came together to call a truce so they wouldn’t lose their OEO money that paid them a salary of $45 a week. This was also the year when racial tensions began to heat up between newly arrived southern black families and white families that didn’t want to leave yet or couldn’t leave yet. Charges were dropped against Lee Jackson, Melvin Bailey, Allen Christmas, James Lofton and Leonard Sengali. In the beginning, Rangers were said to be thieves that stole purses and broke into stores in the neighborhood. By the later 1960s they wore the afros accompanied with dark ray ban sunglasses, combat boots and red berets. This was a house with a few different apartments. The year 1980 was a major year of takeovers and take downs. All these accusations were eventually proven to be true and the prosecution was slammed for providing unfair favoritism to these witnesses. T.W.O’s President was Arnold Brazier who was also a Revered at the Apostolic Church of God and working with Reverend Fry and both men worked with the Rangers. Before March of 1967, Eugene Hairston was still a free man and very much in charge of the Rangers, he most certainly would have never sanctioned any Heroin business and he would have possibly even tried to kill Jeff over it if he was involved. It was because of this connection that allowed T.W.O to disburse the money to the churches that, in turn, disbursed money to the Rangers to run the educational and job training centers. BPS Gang members bonded with what Libyan terrorist to attack sites in the US . Before the Rangers controlled the pimping and drug dealing, the market ran rampant and outside forces controlled these rackets which brought outsiders to come into the community and cause trouble and even rob and steal from the community. In Hall’s apartment the El Rukns took $10,000 to $15,000 in cash from him during the raid. After this Chief sanctioned a hit on Barnett Hall and he was successfully executed on December 23, 1981 in front of his apartment at 6146 South Kenwood Avenue, once again Derrick Kees and Anthony Hall were the shooters (United States of America Vs. Williams) (United States Vs. Andrews). Hampton wrote the letter to Sale with some details of the Raiders beginning from 1955 up to 1968, which is the year the true story took place in. On the day they did the raid, Rangers happened to be meeting with agency representatives about employment and housing while others played basketball. Here on our soil was a group that practiced Islam while they sold drugs and executed enemies with a swiftness pulling off many near perfect and sometimes brutal murder, most of which are not documented but legends are there. I highly recommend the book “The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of an American Gang.”  As you can see I cited this book at the end of many paragraphs as a reference as much of this book his key points pivotal to Stone history. A change began early in the year 1965 when Ed Woods, the Extension Director of the Woodlawn Chicago Boys Club and Reverend O.H. The same old timers talk about the “Players” were first too. Later that year the El Rukns became connected with Noah Robinson the half-brother of Reverend Jesse Jackson. The Jet Black headquarters became 54th and Bishop in the Back of the Yards community which was the same corner the El Rukns assassinated King Cobra members in 1985. You are a family, you don't start trouble with a man that could … The People Nation's hand sign is thrown to the left shoulder. Wells and the “727” building of the Clarence Darrow Homes located at 727 E. 38th Street. Hairston’s Blackstones had two offshoots that broke off and settled in South Shore right in the heart of El Rukn activities. The Rangers met with gang leader Samuel “Two Mac” Dillard and brought him and his gang into the Ranger nation and this is the story of how the Stones came to Cabrini Green in 1966. Jeff Fort was sentenced to 80 years in prison and fined $255,000. Leon McAnderson got 51 years. It was a very dangerous drug to the black community; therefore, he wanted no part in it. The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation, or BPSN, is an American organization founded in Chicago, estimated to have more than 100,000 members. Freebasing Cocaine was first invented in 1981 in the city of Oakland, but it wasn’t sold on the streets much until 1983 and it was exclusively a west coast drug as it slowly made its way into the Los Angeles area. Expand. What gang is the only one … Hairston fled to a cleaners on 71st nearby and asked for help, he survived. These groups thrived on the wars between Disciples and Rangers because it gave them  justification to ask for more money. This Heroin involvement was not big enough to catch the attention of law enforcement much as mainly Stones were known for selling Marijuana, Codeine and other narcotics and pills. For the wild groups of Stones El Rukns watched them tightly and were quick to impose law over them if need being. T-Rogers (former member of the Chicago, BlackStone Rangers) in the late 1960s. He transformed the BP… Swastika with bend lines in a half circle. The El Rukns became very frightening figures to the public and the authorities, more so than the Black P Stones ever where. 12. During the 1950s Woodlawn began to change from white to black, however, the big transition did not occur until the mid-1950s when whites began to leave at a faster rate. Chief implicitly stated that “Black P Stone” was no longer legit and was officially replaced, this was the new order for 1977. Many have said this was just a cover to mask illegal activities. During the trial it was commanded that the drug and murder charges unrelated to terrorism were to be stricken from the record, however, when those were brought up anyway and the defense complained the judge denied the defense. Edward Williams foresaw this operation and before overseeing the Gorilla operation at the Harper, he foresaw operations at the Five Point Terrace at 47th and Woodlawn in the Kenwood neighborhood from 1981 to 1985 (People of the United States of America Vs. Williams). Later in the year 1975, Eugene Hairston was granted parole and he returned to a crew of followers still loyal to him. Agents also found several rounds of armor piercing bullets meant for sub machine guns. The south suburban black youths needed assistance and a voice to stand up for them; therefore, the Black Stone Rangers arrived at the 147th Street border and recruited among a group called the “Black Elephants” and also fought side by side with them. Stones can now be located in just about all 50 states in our country and everywhere in the city of Chicago. Not only did Rangers over here battle ferociously against the Disciples they also fought white and Hispanic gangs from just over the Garfield Boulevard border. This was the first time Ranger leadership was locked away, but the Rangers continued thanks to the interim leadership of Charles “Bear” Edward Bey. The Ellis Rebel Stones were the only Stone section in the western part of the Woodlawn neighborhood between 65th and 67th and Ellis and the Disciples had always wanted them out. Many have said Jeff Fort created the “Blackstone Ranger” name based upon the age group name for boys his age at the Woodlawn Boys Club at 63rd and Woodlawn. Because of this business deal with Cogwell this is how the first major Heroin distribution business came to the Robert Taylor projects, especially in “The Hole,” the cluster of three buildings around 53rd and State in the Washington Park neighborhood. Thelma was the mother of Anthony Sumner who turned state’s witness in 1985 after facing charges as he was now testifying about narcotics trafficking and murder. All this caught up with Ranger leadership as Jeff Fort and Eugene Hairston would do some time in a juvenile detention center in 1961. Not only would the boys get paid for doing these acts the syndicates mentored them and helped them grow to recruit many more young boys under the age of 17 so that they could carry out illegal activities without facing serious jailtime that adults would have to face.