Where was the treaty for the end of the war signed? The Northern navy was powerful and the South did not have a navy. Both the North and South had comparable populations. The explosion created a huge crater and Union troops rushed into it when they attacked. Both the Union and Confederate economies thrived during the war. Which controversial Northern general commanded the occupation of New Orleans? Both the Union and Confederate economies struggled during the war. Learn and revise about when a civil war broke out in England between Charles I and Parliament with BBC Bitesize KS3 History. Copperheads could encourage the Confederacy 3. It applied to more than 3 million of the 4 million slaves in North America. He regarded slavery as another strategy to ending the war. Jefferson Davis believed the death of what Confederate general was the turning point in the Civil … 2. The Union economy thrived during the war, but the Confederate economy struggled. The Union suffered more than 12,000 casualties while the Confederates suffered 5,000. Equal numbers of inexperienced Union and Confederate troops met for the first time at Bull Run in 1861. The charging troops were were defeated decisively, suffering heavy casualties. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. (Casualties are soldiers lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or through being missing in action.). As the Civil War began, the South planned a(n): Why was the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack historically important? While the main goal was to capture Savannah, Georgia, Sherman and his men laid waste to Southern agriculture, infrastructure, and supplies along the way. The South had a substantially larger network of railroads than the North. B) won by a narrow margin in the electoral vote. The Gettysburg Address was brief — only two minutes, but became one of the most famous speeches in American history. Where were the majority of Civil War battles fought? Which of the following was responsible for the majority of the soldiers’ deaths that occurred during the Civil War? The Union recaptured the Mississippi River in 1863 with victories at Vicksburg and Port Hudson. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after which key Civil War battle? Grant was taken by surprise at Shiloh but forced the Confederates to retreat on the second day of fighting. In what speech did Lincoln dedicate a battlefield in honor of the Union Troops? ... To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Which of these was not a senior officer on the parliamentary side? Union forces dug tunnels under the Confederate lines at Petersburg and detonated more than 8,000 pounds of explosives. This battle was fought at Pittsburg Landing to gain control of an important railroad center near the Tennessee-Mississippi border: What were the three main objectives of the Union' war strategy? For the most part, neither side fully appreciated the prolonged bloodshed and carnage that the Civil War would bring. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Document 1 Frederick Douglass, 1862 Robert E. Lee 1863 Source: U. S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. He was struck by three bullets and his left arm was amputated. However, because of its wealth and industrial capacity, the Union quickly built a large and powerful navy. SURVEY . Abraham Lincoln coined the iconic phrase “Four score and seven years ago…” in a speech commemorating which civil war battle? The battle only lasted a day and neither side suffered many casualties, but it would be the first military engagement between the United States and the newly-formed Confederate States of America. Lincoln gave the speech at a ceremony to dedicate of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Fort Wagner. The firing at which fort started the Civil War? The Draft He shut down opposition newspapers. Give three examples of emergency wartime measures used by Lincoln. 8th grade history: Civil War Test: Unit 10. What is a slave? 180 seconds . The agrarian South utilized slaves to tend its large plantations while the industrial North favored the abolition of slavery and did not rely upon slave labor at all. The Civil War was a defining moment in American history, its end result determining what kind of nation we would be. Explain your answer. Blake A. Magner. Part A Short-Answer Questions Directions: Analyze the documents and answer the short-answer questions that follow each document in the space provided. B. (3)As the nation moved away from the Civil War, A person that is someone's property. Become a part of our community of millions and ask any question that you do not find in our Civil War Q&A library. What was general Ulysses S. Grant’s most costly and lopsided defeat? The war resolved two fundamental questions left unresolved by the revolution: whether the United States was to be a dissolvable confederation of sovereign states or an indivisible nation with a sovereign national government; and whether this nation, born of a declaration that all men were created with an equal right to liberty, would continue to exist as the largest slaveholding country in the world. answer choices . About This Quiz & Worksheet. The South had a smaller white population than the North, but had a larger overall population when slaves were counted. The Emancipation Proclamation only proclaimed the freedom of slaves in ten states, excluding areas not in rebellion. The war brought a great level of destruction to the economy,the lives, the feelings and the emotions of the people are also destroyed. Shut down opposition newspapers 4. the draft. Explain the importance of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments. The 9 million people in the South included 3.5 million slaves. Butler became known as “Beast Butler” because of he authorized his soldiers to retaliate against any Southern women who insulted or attacked them. It laid down a pathway for the future and provided a commitment to ending slavery. The transportation sector boomed, and by the end of the war the Union had the world's largest railroad system. Two leading causes of death during the Civil War: This freed the slaves in all rebeling states: Why did Lincoln decide to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Who became President upon the death of Abraham Lincoln? Describe the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation. For these questions you will use the "House Divided" website to find the answers. Another Confederate officer said Jackson stood like a “stone wall” while facing a Union attack. He achieved several important victories in the Western Theater and became the Army’s top general in 1864. Lincoln was the leader of the Moderate Republicans, who were less supportive of equal rights. It looks like your browser needs an update. 304 plays. Jackson was shot by Confederate sentries after the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. It was Regiment which consisted of all black enlisted men. Although the Civil War continued for two more years, the Confederate army began to fall apart as the southern economy collapsed. The North had more experienced and talented officers than the South. Abraham Lincoln Davis had been a US Congressman, Senator, and Secretary of War. Which Confederate cavalry commander led a series of raids into Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio in 1863? Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. Fort Sumter. Both the North and the South relied primarily on European imports, Both the North and South had comparable manufacturing capabilities. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Emancipation Proclamation? Answer: The Confederate States of America, also called the Confederacy, in the American Civil War was the government of the 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until being defeated in the spring of 1865. 36 Questions Show answers. Harriet Tubman: Who was the abolitionist t?at led a raid on Harper's Ferry? The majority of the officers serving in both the North and South were extremely talented and experienced. The population of the Northern states outnumbered that of the Southern states by a margin of 21 million to 9 million. SURVEY . Approximately how many people died in the Civil War? Describe the system of sharecropping. The railroads were largely ineffectual for both the North and the South during the Civil War due to widespread railway damage and coal shortages. This allowed the Union to blockade the Confederacy and strangle the Southern economy. At which battle did General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson earn his nickname? The Mississippi River ran through the heart of the Confederacy. Access the answers to hundreds of American Civil War questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. Abolished slavery throughout the United States, Proclaimed the end of slavery in designated areas of the South that were in rebellion. Fort Wagner was located near Charleston, South Carolina. In 1863, Lee marched to Gettysburg with the goal of: Who was the Union general who waged a "total war" and led some 62,000 troops on a march to the sea to capture Savannah, Georgia? What was the first MAJOR battle of the Civil War? Civil War Test and Answer Key This is a completely editable 38 question multiple choice test on the Civil War. He argued against secession in 1858, but was later elected president of the Confederacy. What was significant about the 54th Massachusetts Regiment? Browse from thousands of Civil War questions and answers (Q&A). The battle became known as the bloodiest day of the Civil War. Blockade Southern Points, Capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, and Take control of the Mississippi River, Why did the North make as part of their war goals to control the Mississippi River? The Union gained control of the Mississippi River after capturing which of the following Southern cities? A. Split Union loyalties 2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. It was a Confederate victory, followed by a disorganized retreat of the Union forces. 120 seconds . 4. During the Civil War, there were many arguments about states' rights and the federal government. In 1864, which Union commander executed his total war strategy for attacking the Confederate South that became known as the “March to the Sea”? (1)The Democrats were unable to get control of either house of Congress. What does the continued existence of this and other racist groups say about racism in the United States? B. Civil War, one of those very amazing wars that has emerged as a great harm to the mankind. Although Antietam was a bloody stalemate, the Confederates withdrew. This was one of the most one-sided battles of the war, with the Union suffering three times as many casualties as the Confederates. The Civil War began in 1861 when Confederate forces attacked Ft. Sumter, which guarded the harbor in Charleston, South Carolina. The issue of slavery was at the root of all these causes. The large Northern population made it much easier for the Union to replace casualties, while the South was hard pressed to do so. Winfield Scott commanded troops in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the Mexican-American War, and the Second Seminole War. By issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln...: broadened Union war goals to include ending slavery. Most of the generals from both the North and South gained experience as junior officers in what previous American war? As understood, achievement does not suggest that you have extraordinary points. What percentage of the population of the United States died in the U.S. Civil War? Q. While there were some strategists and military experts who predicted long war, most people were enthusiastic to participate in and, in some cases, spectate the battles. The North had about 90 percent of the nation’s industrial capacity, and thus produced weapons, tents, uniforms, and other equipment in large amounts. Over 600,000 died in the war. Radical Republicans wanted to give African Americans equal political and economic rights. Farming became more mechanized as farmers left home to enlist in the army. The Union force at Fort Pillow included 600 men, divided evenly between black and white troops. He was an Admiral in the Union's Navy, secured Mobile Bay and virtually sealed the Gulf Coast of the Confederacy from international commerce and aid. How did the Civil War affect the Northern and Southern economies? Which faction had a larger pool of manpower from which to draw soldiers during the Civil War? Although it ended more than a century ago, the scars of the Civil War are still with Americans today. it brought an immediate end to slavery in every state, The Emancipation Proclamation was issued in. Lincoln was able to portray the battle as a victory which gave him the political capital he needed to announce the Emancipation Proclamation. The industrial and economic capacity of the Union soared during the war, with increased production in nearly every sector of their economy. Martial Law 2. This capture would hurt both the Confederate economy as well as their military supply lines. Davis was inaugurated on February 18, 1861. Sherman’s “march to the sea” was a ruthless and ambitious plan to decimate the Confederacy. The Union could thus maneuver troops more quickly and resupply them faster than the South could. Check this Civil War Site for help in Finding Answers. The Civil War began when Confederate guns bombarded a federal fort located in what state? Confederate forces overran the garrison and shot numerous Union soldiers, including many black soldiers, while they were trying to surrender. How did most Northerners respond to Lincoln's actions? If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. There were roughly the same number of battles fought in the North and the South. Lee made this comment to James Longstreet, as he watched a Union charge get repelled during the Battle of Fredericksburg. The North had about 70 percent of the nation’s railroad capacity while the South only had 30 percent.