Kidd, K.K. Here, we describe the biological sexing of a ~4000-year-old Egyptian mummy using shotgun sequencing and two established methods of biological sex determination (R, On 18 October 2009, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) opened an exhibition called, In 1915, Deir el-Bersha was excavated by a joint MFA-Harvard University team directed by George A. Reisner with the assistance of Hanford L. Story and Said Ahmed Said [, When the tomb was looted, the mummies of the governor and his wife were damaged by thieves in search of fine jewelry. After conversion from BCL to FASTQ format, the HiSeq files were de-multiplexed and the adaptors removed. Morris, A.G.; Heinze, A.; Chan, E.K. Found at Monte Acuto Ragazza, Italy in 1882. Robbers had disturbed the tomb, which belonged to Governor and Lady Djehutynakht, who ruled the district of Hermopolis in about 2000 BC. Gonzalez-Fortes, G.; Jones, E.R. Fregel, R.; Mendez, F.L. Tracing the route of modern humans out of Africa by using 225 human genome sequences from Ethiopians and Egyptians. Bramanti, B.; Thomas, M.G. ; Chamberlain, A.T.; Riley, M.S. Enk, J.; Rouillard, J.M. He's the earliest person who we can name in all of human history whose Y and mtDNA haplogroups we can identify. ; Doxey, D.M. The head, in other words, most likely belonged to Djehutynakht and not his wife. ; Iskander, N.; Perizonius, W.R.K. ; Curtis, M.C. Tiến sĩ Odile Loreille, nhà khoa học pháp y tại FBI, người trước đây đã thành công trong việc chiết tách vật liệu gen từ một con gấu hang 130.000 năm tuổi, đã hòa tan bột răng này vào một hỗn hợp dung dịch đặc biệt được điều chế để khuếch đại DNA. Given the ancient Egyptian origin of the sample, the recovered fragments were expected to be very small as a result of DNA degradation over time, while modern contamination would be more likely to contain longer fragments. Votre adversaire déclare 2 Attributs. [3] Along with the coffins, in the tomb were found the nomarch's mummified head[4][5] as well as lady Djehutynakht's canopic chest and a great number of funerary furniture such as pottery, canopic jars, several model boats, many models of men and women in different daily life activities, and the famous group composed of a priest and many offering girls, known as “Bersha procession”. [. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. The statements, opinions and data contained in the journals are solely Reproduced with permission from the Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna. The tomb of governor Djehutinakht IV or V at Dayr al- Barsha reinvestigated. He was the son of the Lady Khnum-Aa, and the older brother of Khnum-Nakht. Hofreiter, M.; Jaenicke, V.; Serre, D.; von Haeseler, A.; Pääbo, S. DNA sequences from multiple amplifications reveal artifacts induced by cytosine deamination in ancient DNA. Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome. these trends. The museum staff concluded only a DNA test would determine whether they had put Mr. or Mrs. Djehutynakht on display. Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Kryukov, K.; Jinam, T.A. Official site for different formats is at . Picardo, N.S. Loreille’s examination also showed that Djehutynakht’s DNA carried clues to another mystery. conceived and designed the experiments; and N.H.B. ; Fitzpatrick, C.M. The kinship of two 12th Dynasty mummies revealed by ancient DNA sequencing. Marshall, C.; Sturk-Andreaggi, K.; Daniels-Higginbotham, J.; Oliver, R.S. They ruled a province of Upper Egypt. ; Jay, F.; Prufer, K.; de Filippo, C.; et al. Now Cucuteni/Trypillia (Tripolye) culture, was a Neolithic–Eneolithic archaeological culture (c. 5500 to 2750 BCE) of Eastern Europe which covered huge territory (350,000 km2) in … Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey, Translational Advances of Hydrofection by Hydrodynamic Injection, The Unforeseen Non-Coding RNAs in Head and Neck Cancer, Deep-Coverage MPS Analysis of Heteroplasmic Variants within the mtGenome Allows for Frequent Differentiation of Maternal Relatives,,,, Number of reads mapped to the human genome hg19 and rCRS, Number of unique mapped human reads with signs of damage. HSHQDC-15-C-00064 awarded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) for the operation and management of the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center. Sikora, M.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Sousa, V.C. Announcements of changes to the compiled dataset of Y-DNA and mtDNA data for reported ancient samples, including analyses of BAM files, nomenclature, culture labelling, etc. Jones, E.R. First ancient mitochondrial human genome from a prepastoralist southern African. ; Pakstis, A.J. Integrated DNA and fingerprint analyses in the identification of 60-year-old mummified human remains discovered in an Alaskan glacier. Patterns of damage in genomic DNA sequences from a Neandertal. ; Picardo, N.S. ; Howell, N. Reanalysis and revision of the Cambridge reference sequence for human mitochondrial DNA. The museum staff concluded only a DNA test would determine whether they had put Mr. or Mrs. Djehutynakht on display. Libraries sequenced on the HiSeq or the MiSeq FGX were analyzed at NBFAC. ; Bunai, Y. Ted Kendall : Everyone, meet Nakht-Ankh from Shashotep, Egypt. ; Nagai, A.; Gomaa, G.M. ; Sikora, M.; Johnson, P.L. Achetez les vinyles, CDs de DNA, et plus encore sur la Marketplace Discogs. Cassidy, L.M. Restez informés avec Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace : infos en direct, photos, vidéos. supervised the laboratory and bioinformatics work at HMS. ; Goudsmit, J. DNA from ancient Egyptian monkey bones. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. In no event shall DHS, NBACC, S&T, or Battelle National Biodefense Institute have any responsibility or liability for any use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance upon the information contained herein. Aug 20, 2013 - Bronze male and female figures Etruscan, c.480-470 BC. Explorez les références de DNA sur Discogs. Schlebusch, C.M. ; Drak, L.; Siska, V.; Simalcsik, A.; et al. ; Kidd, J.R.; Kidd, K.K. The album was first released in Japan on January 23, 2019, and everywhere else on January 25, 2019, through a collaboration with the group's own K-BAHN record label and RCA Records. ; Poinar, H. Quantitative PCR as a predictor of aligned ancient DNA read counts following targeted enrichment. ; Li, H.; Racimo, F.; Mallick, S.; Schraiber, J.G. MtDNA haplotypes recently obtained from ancient human remains from sub-Saharan Africa belong only to haplogroup L subgroups [, All currently employed capillary electrophoresis-based human DNA identification methods, as well as recently released commercial HTS assays developed for forensic applications, are based on targeted PCR approaches requiring endogenous DNA fragments, sometimes as small as 70 bp [, The utility of capture-based and shotgun HTS approaches for these types of difficult samples has been recognized for some time in forensics. Loreille’s examination also showed that Djehutynakht’s DNA carried clues to another mystery. ; Arthur, J.W. ; Dobney, K.; Valdiosera, C.; Jakobsson, M.; et al. Also provided is a brief description of when and where they lived. ; Furtwangler, A.; Urban, C.; Reiter, E.; Nieselt, K.; et al. Entries lacking a citation … and O.L. Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure. The album features tracks written by Edei, Lauv, Andy Grammer, Stuart Crichton, Ryan Tedder and Shawn Mendes. 1 video Play all Dance Dance (And You'll Forget) - Playlist. Schuenemann, V.J. Andrews, R.M. Actualités, analyses, multimédia. In. ; Hayes, V.M. Genome-wide data from two early Neolithic East Asian individuals dating to 7700 years ago. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of a Middle Pleistocene cave bear reconstructed from ultrashort DNA fragments. ; Albrechtsen, A.; Korneliussen, T.; Ko, A.; Rasmussen, S.; Dupanloup, I.; Nigst, P.R. The Egyptian mummy wasn't a fully preserved corpse, but rather a decapitated, mutilated, bandage-wrapped head that archaeologists found on top of a coffin when they excavated a tomb back in 1915. ; Malaspinas, A.S.; et al. ; Castellano, S.; Lipson, M.; et al. Poinar, H.N. ; El-Chenawi, F.; Beraud-Colomb, E. Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in a sedentary population from Egypt. During the naval trip to Boston in 1920, the collection was threatened by a fire on board, but fortunately the damage was very limited. De Meyer, M. The tomb of Henu at Deir el-Bersha. Rê, à gauche, est surmonté du disque solaire où se dresse l'uræus, le cobra qui a pour fonction de protéger pharaon contre ses ennemis. ; Bokbot, Y.; Martin-Soca, D.; Camalich-Massieu, M.D. A common genetic origin for early farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK Cultures. Rodriguez-Varela, R.; Gunther, T.; Krzewinska, M.; Stora, J.; Gillingwater, T.H. Due to the extremely degraded state of the endogenous DNA, more of it was likely recovered in the HMS library. DNA est un groupe de no wave américain qui eut une grande influence malgré une existence courte. Van Oven, M. PhyloTree Build 17: Growing the human mitochondrial DNA tree. Richards, S.; Aziz, N.; Bale, S.; Bick, D.; Das, S.; Gastier-Foster, J.; Grody, W.W.; Hegde, M.; Lyon, E.; Spector, E.; et al. ; Parsons, T.J. Mitochondrial control region sequences from an Egyptian population sample. Skoglund, P.; Posth, C.; Sirak, K.; Spriggs, M.; Valentin, F.; Bedford, S.; Clark, G.R. Fu, Q.; Mittnik, A.; Johnson, P.L.F. ; Fast, S.; Daniels-Higginbotham, J.; Marshall, C.; Parr, R. Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing of a Burial from a Romano-Christian Cemetery in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: Preliminary Indications. those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). Gallego Llorente, M.; Jones, E.R. Available online: De Meyer, M.; Linseele, V.; Vereecken, S.; Williams, L.J. We would also like to express our gratitude to the following people: Marleen De Meyer, for her constant assistance in educating us about Egyptology and for her input on the manuscript; Jeroen van der Perk, for assistance with bioinformatics analyses; Nicole Adamski, Nasreen Broomandkhoshbacht, Matthew Ferry, Ann-Marie Lawson, Megan Michel, Jonas Oppenheimer, Kristin Stewardson, Zhao Zhang, Kimberly Eskey, and Sana Enke, for their technical assistance; Richard Thomas, for studying the mummy CT scans and for his assistance with anthropology jargon; Brandon C. Letts, Rebecca Just, and Lilliana Moreno for their help with the manuscript or the figures; and finally, Raj Gupta, Paul Chapman, Fabio Nunes, and Marina Faerman for their support and for being so responsive to our multiple inquiries. Archaeogenomic evidence reveals prehistoric matrilineal dynasty. Djehutynakht and his wife, Lady Djehutynakht, are believed to have lived around 2000 B.C. Fazi, A.; Gobeski, B.; Foran, D. Development of two highly sensitive forensic sex determination assays based on human DYZ1 and Alu repetitive DNA elements. He is well known for his painted outer coffin now exhibited in the Museum of … A multiplex assay with 52 single nucleotide polymorphisms for human identification. Otherwise, if he was the same of Djehutynakht V, then he lived during the late reign of pharaoh Amenemhat I of the 12th Dynasty and was Neheri I's son and successor by his wife Djehutyhotep, and the uncle of his successor Neheri II. ; Weihmann, A.; Nickel, B.; Valdiosera, C.; Garcia, N.; Pääbo, S.; Arsuaga, J.L. He lived sometime between 1991 BCE – 1802 BCE. Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. Il fut fondé en 1978 par le guitariste Arto Lindsay et le claviériste Robin Crutchfield. 5D's. SNPs for a universal individual identification panel. ; Irwin, J.A. ; Peltzer, A.; Welte, B.; van Pelt, W.P. Weissensteiner, H.; Pacher, D.; Kloss-Brandstatter, A.; Forer, L.; Specht, G.; Bandelt, H.J. Leur musique a été décrite comme spontanée, bruyante, anguleuse, comp… Bien qu'il n'ait existé que pendant de courtes années, l'influence du groupe s'est grandement faite sentir dans l'univers du No Wave. ; Lightfoot, E.; Bonsall, C.; Lazar, C.; Grandal-d’Anglade, A.; Garralda, M.D. Retrouvez les dernières actualités à Strasbourg et ses alentours. ; Boocock, J.; Kardailsky, O.; Kurumilian, Y.; Roudesli-Chebbi, S.; Badre, L.; Morel, J.P.; Sebai, L.L. ; Irwin, J.A. Djehutynakht's tomb – designated 10A – was rediscovered in the Deir el-Bersha necropolis in Middle Egypt in 1915 by the American Egyptologist George Andrew Reisner who was the leader of the Harvard University – Boston Museum of Fine Arts expedition. The Bersha procession: A new reconstruction. ; Speller, C.F. Gilbert, M.T. ; Zalloua, P.A. Freed, R.E. Skoglund, P.; Thompson, J.C.; Prendergast, M.E. ; Malaspinas, A.S.; Poznik, G.D.; Sandoval-Velasco, M.; Carpenter, M.L. Actualités Vidéos : en direct, photos et vidéos. Thomas, R., Anthropologist at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Djehutynakht sequence was also compared to available ancient human DNA sequences (Table S4). Djehutynakht, tentatively identified with Djehutynakht IV or Djehutynakht V, was an ancient Egyptian "Overlord of the Hare nome" (the 15th nome of Upper Egypt) during the very end of the 11th Dynasty or the early 12th Dynasty (21st-20th century BCE). Genomic insights into the peopling of the Southwest Pacific. Bold symbolizes the CI used to determine sex. Djehutynakht. [3], "Biological Sexing of a 4000-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy Head to Assess the Potential of Nuclear DNA Recovery from the Most Damaged and Limited Forensic Specimens",, Officials of the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt, Officials of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 December 2020, at 07:33. Southern African ancient genomes estimate modern human divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago. Lazaridis, I.; Patterson, N.; Mittnik, A.; Renaud, G.; Mallick, S.; Kirsanow, K.; Sudmant, P.H. ; Speed, W.C.; Fang, R.; Hyland, F.C. Dr. Loreille’s examination also showed that Governor Djehutynakht’s DNA carried clues to another mystery. A 22,000-year-old bone preserved in permafrost can exhibit a C-T substitution frequency at the 5’ end of less than 0.20 [, In the present study, the C-T substitution frequency at the 5’ end of the mtDNA reads in Cap-Lib1 was 0.27 (, Sequencing statistics for the reagent blank and negative control libraries are presented in, Modern human contamination in the mtDNA data, as assessed using ContamMix, was estimated at 0.6% (95% CI 0.08–1.8%) in CAP-Lib1 and 11.6% in CAP-Lib2 (95% CI 9.7–13.6%). ; Moreno-Mayar, J.V. A partial nuclear genome of the Jomons who lived 3000 years ago in Fukushima, Japan. Mittnik, A.; Wang, C.C. A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. ; Smith, A.B. You seem to have javascript disabled. “The age of U5 is estimated at between 25,000 and 35,000 years old, roughly corresponding to the … Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), however, can be used for individual identification [, For forensics and other regulated disciplines (e.g., clinical genetics), where questions pertain specifically to individual genetic profiles, strict metrics for profile accuracy and reliability must be met. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Egyptology, Munich, Germany, 26 August–1 September 1985. ; Loreille, O.; Mallott, E.K. (If you have a population that is 80% x and 20% y, then you randomly sample 10% and double their representation, for ex, then I believe eventually you will on average tend to converge on 100% x, much more often than, say, 70% x, 30% y.)." contributed reagents and materials. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers. ; Rougier, H.; Cupillard, C.; Valentin, F.; Thevenet, C.; Furtwangler, A.; Wissing, C.; et al. Performance evaluation of a mitogenome capture and Illumina sequencing protocol using non-probative, case-type skeletal samples: Implications for the use of a positive control in a next-generation sequencing procedure. ; Karoma, N.J.; Kungulilo, S.; Kim, J.J.; Lu, R.B. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ; Brotherton, P.M.; Llamas, B.; Soubrier, J.; Haak, W.; Cooper, A.; Austin, J.J. DNA capture and next-generation sequencing can recover whole mitochondrial genomes from highly degraded samples for human identification. ; Furtado, M.R. ; Ávila-Arcos, M.C. Martiniano, R.; Caffell, A.; Holst, M.; Hunter-Mann, K.; Montgomery, J.; Muldner, G.; McLaughlin, R.L. Egypt; ancient DNA; high throughput sequencing; hybridization capture; mitochondrial genome; mtGenome; mummy; sexing, ForenSeqTM DNA Siganture Prep kit (TG-450–1001), Precision ID Kits (Identity panel; ancestry panel; mtDNA panel), The Mummy in Ancient Egypt: Equipping the Dead for Eternity, An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Egypt and the Levant in the Egyptian World. Data authenticity was assessed in three ways. Received: 12 January 2018 / Revised: 6 February 2018 / Accepted: 6 February 2018 / Published: 1 March 2018, (This article belongs to the Special Issue, High throughput sequencing (HTS) has been used for a number of years in the field of paleogenomics to facilitate the recovery of small DNA fragments from ancient specimens. performed the experiments at the FBI. Lindahl, T.; Nyberg, B. deuxième dhyâna : piti, sukha et ekaggata (il n'y a plus d'action, de mouvement du mental, sont seulement ressentis la joie et le bonheur). ; Hegazy, H.M.; Shaaban, F.E. In the meantime, the work described here represents a first step towards further improving forensic DNA testing capabilities in such cases. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the DHS or S&T. In addition, STRs are difficult to recover from shotgun data in these types of specimens. ; Brandhagen, M.D. Recently, a number of commercial high throughput sequencing (HTS) assays, designed specifically for forensic applications, have become available [. ; Teasdale, M.D. Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants: A joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology. The oldest DNA samples with U5b2b5 are two samples from eastern Spain, c.3500 BC. Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans. Furthermore, because consistently higher HTS coverage is achieved with mtDNA than with nuclear DNA, the authenticity of the genetic data can be more easily addressed. ; Shunkov, M.V. N.R., S.M., and D.R. ; Derevianko, A.P. ; MacCallum, M.; Arsuaga, J.L. ; Hoss, M.; Bada, J.L. This is a purported list of ancient humans remains, including mummies, that may have been DNA tested. ; van Rheenen, W.; Veldink, J.H. Parson, W.; Huber, G.; Moreno, L.; Madel, M.B. Korlevic, P.; Gerber, T.; Gansauge, M.T. ; Barritt-Ross, S.; McMahon, T.P. Assuring the Quality of Next-Generation Sequencing in Clinical Microbiology and Public Health Laboratories. troisième dhyâna : sukha et ekaggata (seul le bonheur demeure). Posth, C.; Renaud, G.; Mittnik, A.; Drucker, D.G. "Sélectionnez 1 monstre face verso que vous contrôlez. A team of forensic scientists has managed to extract DNA from a 4,000-year-old mummy, and their finding has solved a century-old mystery of its ransacked tomb. ; Malmstrom, H.; Gunther, T.; Sjodin, P.; Coutinho, A.; Edlund, H.; Munters, A.R. It is one of the most abundant forms of damage in aged DNA molecules and manifests in the final DNA sequence data as conversion of cytosine to thymine (C-T) or, in the reverse complementary sequence, guanine to adenine (G-A), especially at the ends of molecules [, A full description of the sample preparation is provided in the, At the FBI Laboratory, DNA was extracted from 105 mg of dentin powder using a silica column-based protocol [, At the HMS, DNA was extracted from 68 mg of powder using the protocols published in [. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. ; Barnes, I.; Collins, M.J.; Smith, C.; Eklund, J.; Goudsmit, J.; Poinar, H.; Cooper, A. Loreille’s examination also showed that Djehutynakht’s DNA carried clues to another mystery. One of the primary advantages of HTS is that DNA fragments of very short size can be recovered and sequenced, thus obviating the need for targeted PCR. Genetic discontinuity between local hunter-gatherers and central Europe’s first farmers. This is FBI Laboratory publication #18-13. Fowl for the governor. If this nomarch was the same of Djehutynakht IV, then he lived at the very end of the 11th Dynasty and was the son of the nomarch Ahanakht I, successor of his brother Ahanakht II, and predecessor of the nomarch Neheri I. ; Parr, R.L. Genome-wide ancestry of 17th-century enslaved Africans from the Caribbean. ; et al. ; Jeon, S.; Bhak, Y.; Kim, H.M.; Cho, Y.S. The Djehutynakht sequence was also compared to available ancient human DNA sequences . Meyer, M.; Kircher, M.; Gansauge, M.T. ; Malhi, R.S. ; Gamba, C.; et al. ; Musgrave-Brown, E.; Salas, A.; Syndercombe-Court, D.; et al. DNA Support Unit, FBI Laboratory, 2501 Investigation Parkway, Quantico, VA 22135, USA, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, 8300 Research Plaza, Fort Detrick, MD 21702, USA, Department of Genetics Harvard Medical School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, USA, Department of Biology, University of Maryland, 1210 Biology-Psychology Building, 4094 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742, USA, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Rd, London NW1 1AT, UK, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 415 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. The mummy was found in a crypt beneath a Lithuanian church. They present limitations, however, to both the quality and quantity of genetic data that can be recovered from the most challenging specimens. ; Kubacka, I.; Chinnery, P.F. ; Carbonell, E.; et al. ; Berman, L.M. They left behind a torso, scattered mummy wrappings, fine examples of Egyptian art, objects for the afterlife, and the head. De Meyer, M.; Dils, P. Fowl for the Governor: the tomb of governor Djehutinakht IV or V at Dayr al-Barshā reinvestigated. Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians. during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. The name was very common in this period and six nomarchs bearing it are known, two of whom – the fourth and the fifth respectively – were married to a wife with the same name. ; Lachmann, M.; et al. Although these approaches have been recently adopted and implemented by the forensic community to develop probative mitochondrial DNA data from the most degraded specimens, further work is needed for the recovery of individually identifiable nuclear DNA markers. The genetic history of Ice Age Europe. FBI’s DNA support unit chief, Anthony Onorato was quoted in the same report of CNN saying, “It’s not like the FBI has a unit that just does historical cases. Skoglund, P.; Storå, J.; Götherström, A.; Jakobsson, M. Accurate sex identification of ancient human remains using DNA shotgun sequencing. Matisoo-Smith, E.A. [3], The Egyptian government gave the whole content of Tomb 10A to the Museum of Fine Arts. ; Grimm, M.J.; Irwin, J.A. He's Y-DNA H-Y21618* and mtDNA M1a1* + G8251A, G16145A. ; Kelso, J.; Prufer, K.; Meyer, M.; Krause, J.; Ronan, M.T. Loreille, O.M. Gamba, C.; Jones, E.R. Previous DNA analyses of the Djehutynakht tooth, prior to its receipt by the FBI, are consistent with. Gupta, R.; Markowitz, Y.; Berman, L.; Chapman, P. High-resolution imaging of an ancient Egyptian mummified head: New insights into the mummification process. Lazaridis, I.; Nadel, D.; Rollefson, G.; Merrett, D.C.; Rohland, N.; Mallick, S.; Fernandes, D.; Novak, M.; Gamarra, B.; Sirak, K.; et al. Juras, A.; Chylenski, M.; Krenz-Niedbala, M.; Malmstrom, H.; Ehler, E.; Pospieszny, L.; Lukasik, S.; Bednarczyk, J.; Piontek, J.; Jakobsson, M.; et al. Van der Kuyl, A.C.; Dekker, J.; Attia, M.A.M. S.R., A.L.B., D.D.S., T.B.S., P.S., P.L.F.J., S.M., and O.L. The Djehutynakht mtDNA sequence was compared to available ancient human DNA sequences … related U5b2b sequences have been observed in ancient human remains from Europe, and a haplogroup U5b2c1 haplotype was recently discovered in 2600-year-old remains from Phoenicia [Carthage]. ; Hajdinjak, M.; Nagel, S.; Aximu-Petri, A.; Meyer, M. Reducing microbial and human contamination in DNA extractions from ancient bones and teeth. The total number of mtDNA bases sequenced was ~1.8 million (703,905 for CAP-LIB1 and 1,096,128 for CAP-LIB2). Molto, J.E. Investigation of mtDNA control region sequences in an Egyptian population sample. Li, H.; Handsaker, B.; Wysoker, A.; Fennell, T.; Ruan, J.; Homer, N.; Marth, G.; Abecasis, G.; Durbin, R. The sequence alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Pääbo, S. Molecular cloning of Ancient Egyptian mummy DNA. Drosou, K.; Price, C.; Brown, T.A. ; Grimm, M.R. Dabney, J.; Knapp, M.; Glocke, I.; Gansauge, M.T. Paleogenomic evidence for multi-generational mixing between Neolithic farmers and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in the Lower Danube basin.