You should always strive to work things out with whom you argue with. Pisces are very emotional and sometimes controlling. I am a Pisces woman and I love to be around people. Taureans are different. If you give them everything all too soon then they’ll get bored and leave. Pisces (February 19 – March 20) You didn’t make them feel comfortable to open up to you and tell you about their deepest fears and secrets. Pisces find it hard to trust people but they appreciate the people who make them feel like they will keep their secrets safe and will not judge them or make them feel bad about their less admirable choices. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac calendar. A Libra man will be able to gently guide her to do her best work which will help her to shine. However if you don’t allow them to chase you and begin to cling on to them instead not letting them take the relationship as it comes but force it on them then they’re likely to start ignoring … one bad experience doesnt mean all of them are like that! You will notice me noticing the tiniest little things about you and when I feel comfortable enough, I'll tell you something like: "I noticed that you tend to intuitively understand what people mean without asking too many questions" or "you have a … He can’t vocalize his disappointment so he acts in this passive-aggressive way instead. Highly imaginative A defining quality of this zodiac is the Piscean’s highly imaginative mind. But it cannot always be interpreted like that. To be able to deal with a Pisces woman you have to be very strong. When a Pisces man ignores your text. Here are a few insights into what it is to have a Pisces working for you. The thing about Pisces is that he’s empathic and excellent and reading other people, so he’ll be able to tell whether you’re playing hard to get, or genuinely not interested. I'm a Pisces. Here’s one reason that he is ignoring your text. Pisces women and communication. Taurus men tend to shut down and use this method of ignoring you as a punishment. However, when Pisces have someone to help ground them, they are often diligent and caring coworkers, doing their best to make sure the workplace runs smoothly. Aries likes to take things slow. If she cannot/does-not look at you, goes out of her way to all avoid eye contact, YET will not avoid you, CAN speak to you (if you do initiate a conversation or say hello), and/or is always coincidentally near-by (huge one. Typical fights between a Libra man and a Pisces woman and how to resolve them. If you work with a Pisces, you may sometimes get frustrated by their implausible ideas or preference to dreaming up solutions rather than taking small steps forward. Man or woman, no one likes to be ignored but if the guy you’re thinking about ignoring doesn’t care or doesn’t know it’s happening, does this passive aggressive behavior change him or get him to open up. Ignoring someone works best when their own actions can be used against themselves without you needing to add anything of substance. Very heavy Pisces. With that being said, here’s why ignoring someone is a powerful tool, when that someone just can’t seem to let go of pride. Difeyinwa on July 21, 2018: Like she said Pisces can do not wrong so of course you all would not agree. omg why do people hate pisces so much?? So, try giving him a call! I believe she is 100% on the money. Born in between 19 th February and 20 th March, Pisceans are sensitive, sympathetic and highly imaginative. A Pisces woman can be brilliant, but she often lacks focus. by lauren (san jose ca) Pisces love to be loved. A Libra man and a Pisces woman both go out of their way to avoid conflict. ARIES. An Aries likes the challenge that is furnished through being able to chase. When a Pisces man distances himself from you, it will reflect on his social media persona too. He ignores you because he’s hurt. This is the complete opposite of what happens when you ignore a Pisces man. All the reasons and types of guys who go silent, pull away, and if it will drive him further away from you. I will observe you first to soak in your energy and understand your little antics and mannerisms. One of the main reasons that Pisces doesn’t feel inclined to chase others is because he hates it when people chase him. my best friend is a pisces and she constantly showers me with expensive gifts! He just doesn’t like texting. Communication is very important in a relationship. He prefers to be able to move at his own pace.