I have to conclude with my thoughts on Origen and the attack on the gospel that was guised in the new Christian religion. What is the focal point is and always has been the Redeemer. The authority of the Septuagint is based on three factors. Shem is the central character moving forward in the narrative and the one that will be in the line of Christ. The rabbis also wanted to distinguish their tradition from the emerging tradition of Christianity, which frequently used the Septuagint. All good translations take both the Masoretic and the Septuagint (as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls) into account in a more or less balanced way. A question about the accuracy of these texts sparks a quick recap of what these texts are.#TorahResource #Septuagint #MasoreticText The next number of years is going to get worse, not better. It is an example of the Masoretic recension, which is usually dated to have been shaped between the 6th and 10th centuries A.D. Still protected by God. This Gnostic center of teaching has introduced a great many things into the Christian faith that I just cannot accept. I used to believe the Masoretic Text was a perfect copy of the original Old Testament. The oldest copies of the Masoretic Text … Anything to discredit the scriptures but especially in relation to the timelines. Many copies of the Septuagint do contain the Apocrypha. It is to be remembered that the Masor etic T ext is the standardized If we do this then we must embrace the glaring errors found in these extra books both historically and with regards to further dates and dating that are grave errors. The church was the Kingdom of God on earth and was to expand this kingdom by any means. In 1886, Alfred Edersheim wrote The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Tiqqune Sopherim and Other Theological Corrections in the Masoretic Text o f the Old Testament " in A New English Translation o f the Septuagint and the Other Greek Translations Traditionally Included under That Title [NETS] (ed. I have weighed the value of both the Septuagint (LXX) and the Masoretic Text (MT) and have found not only the scholarly work and veracity of the MT to stand the test but also the archaeological evidence to verify the dating in the MT. The Hebrew source texts in some cases (particularly the Book of Daniel) used for the Septuagint differed from the Masoretic tradition of Hebrew texts, which were affirmed as canonical by the rabbis. Within the genealogies, we read sequencing of father to son naming and make the general assumption that the sons listed are the firstborn of the respective fathers. However, it does give us insights into what the Hebrew originally presented. For other parts of the OT, the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Masoretic Text very closely, for example in Isaiah. While peace is certainly good news, Paul has distinctly quoted the Jewish Septuagint in contrast with the text which the Masoretes developed centuries after his death. Don’t be fooled. Furthermore, it is clear that the text that Christ and the Apostles used most closely matches the Septuagint rather than the Masoretic text. Joseph Gleason, Copyright © 1999-2021 by The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church Five verses later in Romans 10:20, Paul returns to the Jewish Septuagint … On an aside. We can't accept Shem could have had a long life interacting with many generations of the children of Abraham. We have already seen so much. The contention that it was done by 6 translators for each of the 12 tribes, totaling 72, is contained in a spurious letter, Edersheim thus implying that is not reliable truth. Without understanding the timelines connectivity to us today we will miss the events to come or discount them as 'strange' but not prophetic. What they needed was Spirit-filled, Godly men, who were not seeking their great fame or to make a big name for themselves in a culture that glorified the 'teachers' the same way we do movie stars today. By the time 2023 hits people will be so wrecked, so desperate they will bow their knees and follow whoever can help them out of their problems. Another example of a clearly corrupt reading in the Masoretic text is 1 Sameule 14:41, which reads as follows: Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, "Give Thummim". One often encounters the use of the “prophetic perfect”, where a prophecy of something that has not yet come to pass is in the perfect tense, and so is often translated with the English past tense, e.g. Thus, there can be no doubt as to which text is to be preferred. The Masoretic text is a text that has not been preserved by the Church, and so while it is worthy of study and comparison, it is not equally trustworthy. That's all a wash down the bin. Are we then to take all of these as inspired gospel? This means that between now (2019) and 2023 - things are going to get crazier and crazier and a global economic collapse designed to bring about a one-world system is about to happen. Unavoidably prophetic by any scale and people group. For those who do not assume gaps in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 the largest area of dispute is the assessment of the varying merits of the Masoretic Text, Septuagint (LXX) and Samaritan Pentateuch.