The American Boxers weight: females 50 - 65 lbs males 60 - 75 lbs The European Boxers weight: female 75 - 90+ lbs males 80 - 95+ lbs The American boxers are full grown about 18 months to 2 years The European boxers are full grown about 3 years. Americans females typically weigh 50 to 65 lbs. Health Testing Education. Occiput not too pronounced. I would like to share with everyone our home here at Euro-Dream. GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Boxer is a medium sized, smooth coated, sturdy dog of compact square build and strong bone. However, if you are interested in reloading, it makes a big difference. TESTIMONIALS. COLOUR : Fawn or brindle : Fawn comes in various shades from light fawn to dark deer red but the most attractive shades are in the middle range (red fawn). Website created and maintained by: Manda Friley. Esenin. Euro weigh considerably more. Short taut flanks slightly tucked up. It is slightly arched, neither round and short nor flat; neither should it be too broad. HavenWoods Boxers * Top Quality AKC German and American Boxers. American boxers are slightly smaller, the males 23 to 25 inches tall and the females averaging at 21.5 to 23.5 inches. NORTH AMERICAN, BRITISH AND EUROPEAN BOXERS Introduction. Their task was to seize the game put up by chasing hounds and hold it firmly until the huntsman arrived and put an end to the prey. We have an entire floor of our home dedicated to them. Northwoods Boxers strives to breed the best European Boxer puppies in the US. Furrow in forehead only slightly marked, must not be too deep, especially between the eyes.Stop : The forehead forms a distinct stop towards bridge of nose. Stripes (brindling) too close together or too sparse.Sooty ground colour. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :a) Length of body / Height at withers : Square build, which means that the horizontal line of the back is perpendicular to the vertical line passing through the point of shoulder and to the other vertical line passing through the point of buttock, thus defining a square outline.b) Depth of brisket / Height at withers : The chest reaches to the elbows. American vs. Euro . American vs European Boxers. European Boxer dog may suffer from several health issues such as cancer, intestinal problems, heart issues such as aortic stenosis, epilepsy, elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, skin issues, bloating etc. Germans (or Northern European) have a straight necks with loose skin. His muscles are taut, strongly developed and moulded in appearance. The canines must be placed as far apart as possible and must be of good length, making the front of the muzzle broad, almost square and forming a blunt angle with bridge of nose.In front, the edge of the upper lip rests on the edge of the lower lip. It should be clean, not showing any wrinkle. Leather or weather nose, pale nose leather. They are raised in our home. Gallery Riot Our Males. An owner may very well decide to have a German/American Boxer or other mixed type. Muzzle should be as broad and powerful as possible. HAIR : Short, hard, glossy and close fitting. They are set on wide apart on highest part of skull. The upper lip is thick and padded and fills the space formed by the undershot lower jaw; it is supported by the lower canines.Jaws/Teeth : The lower jaw exceeds the upper jaw and is slightly curved upwards. c) Shape of lips. A male German boxer stands from 26 to 28 inches, weighing 65 to 90 pounds, while a female German boxer reaches anywhere from 24 to 26 inches and weighs 60 to 85 pounds. It won't be hard for me to find it, and I can tell you what country they are claiming as well. In the past, the breeding of these Bullenbeissers was in the hands of the huntsmen, whom they assisted during the chase. Nor should it be hidden by the lip but should be well defined from front and side.The canines and incisors of the lower jaw must not be visible when mouth is closed, neither should the tongue show. ABOUT US. our boxers have . European Boxer Puppies | German Dream | Del Colle Dell' Infinito | Boxer Puppies for Sale | European Boxer Breeder |German Boxer Puppy Breeder | German Boxer Puppy Breeders in OH | Euro Boxer Puppies | Boxer Puppies for Sale | Euro Boxer Breeder in KY | Boxer Puppy Breeder | European Boxer Breeder | European Boxers | German Boxer Puppies |  German Boxer Breeder | Magic Boy von Santana | Joshua Z Ringu | Euro boxer puppies | Brindle boxer puppies | schutzhund | international boxers | international CH boxer | IABCA Boxer  | Champion euro boxers | euro boxer studs | european boxers for stud service | boxers stud service | euro boxers | big boxer puppies | champion european boxers |reverse brindle and white boxer, Big Mac Boxers~ Kennel in the USA specializing is the Top European boxer puppies for sale and best Euro boxers in the United States. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The small, so called Brabant Bullenbeisser is regarded as the immediate ancestor of the Boxer. With that said, I do prefer the American look over the Euros. Based in Central Ohio, Show Quality, Working German boxers, Health Tested parents. Reputable Boxer Breeder of Exclusive European & German Bloodlines. However natural folds are formed in the cranial region when alerted. Confirmation. a better way to tell is by her body, american boxers in general are leaner/ more rectangular/taller looking while the others are slightly shorter and buffer looking. Its neck has a pronounced yet elegant curve without extra skin. They are usually “beefier” and have a more sculpted look around the head, shoulders and chest areas and often have a more traditional “Boxer” face. Yes. I have been told my male is the "american" type and my … PUPDATES. Today. Many people don't like cropping any more, and I've been seeing a LOT more Boxers in the USA with natural ears (a GOOD thing). EAR TAPING. A male German boxer stands from 26 to 28 inches, weighing 65 to 90 pounds, while a female German boxer reaches anywhere from 24 to 26 inches and weighs 60 to 85 pounds. The only difference that you might see or think is the fact that the American Boxers usually get their ears cropped and the foreign Boxers have natural ears that hang down. BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The Boxer should be fearless self-confident, calm and equable. Gallery Esenin Our Males. Depth of chest is half the height at withers.c) Length of nose bridge / Length of head : Length of nose bridge in relation to skull should be 1 : 2 (measured from tip of nose to inner corner of eye or, respectively, inner corner of eye to occiput). BODY : Square body resting on sturdy straight legs.Withers : Should be marked.Back : Including loin should be short, firm, straight, broad and muscular.Croup : Slightly sloping, broad and only slightly arched. Easy to train on account of his willingness to obey, his pluck and courage, natural keenness and scent capability. The harmony of the head depends on the balance between muzzle and skull. Others hold a strict standard to never mix at all and work to preserve a strong line without any other types being mixed in. Its appearance is influenced by :a) Shape of jaw. Gallery Yasho Our Males. DOGS. The American show boxer is very hyper, with a sleek build, trophy head, and hyper personality where the euro posses a more laid back personality, greater trainability, and some are a little more aggressive which comes from the full working lines. Explore. RISING STARS. The American, or North American, boxer is considered more elegant. and males from 60 to 75 lbs. We start with parents from the very best European lines known for health, longevity, great temperament and of course correct conformation.  sandman boxers is a small family owned breeder who breed . European vs American Boxer Boxers are medium-sized dogs. CRANIAL REGION :Skull : The cranial region should be as lean and angular as possible. PUPPIES. Boxer Dog Names Boxer Dogs Facts Boxer Dog Puppy Boxer And Baby Boxer Love Best Dog Breeds Best Dogs Cute Dogs And Puppies Training Your Dog. Muzzle too pointed or slight. European Boxers have a different look to them than their American counterparts. European dogs have more bone and substance and have different head types then their American counterparts which are more refined in type, are rectangular rather than square. Junior Boxer; Posts: 93; American Vs. Euro « on: November 22, 2012, 09:21:19 pm » Can someone please explain to me the difference between the american type boxer and the euro type boxer. Potty Training. Boxer vs. Berdan primers – what’s the difference? European boxer (how they should look!) When breeding both together you still can have puppies with all American traits or all European traits that is why it is so important to have an experienced breeder with many years of experience with the breed and PAT test. Vaccination Risks . Hindquarters : Weak muscles. b) Position of canine teeth. Saved by Anneke Vanderbug. SKIN : Dry, elastic without any wrinkles. They have broad chests and wide skulls. Devotion and loyalty towards his master and his entire household, his watchfulness and self-assured courage as a defender are famous. there jaw structure is a bit different then the NA boxer giving the German lined boxer a bit more of an under bite. From whichever direction the head is viewed, from front above or sideways, the muzzle must always be in the right proportion to the skull i.e. Dribbling, showing of teeth or tongue. Can a Boxer Have Too Much Type? The upper jaw is broad where it joins the cranial region, tapering only slightly towards the front. HEAD : This gives the Boxer his characteristic look. Joy. Multi CH Rus La Fler Esenin BH IPO1 ZTP. Sep 27, 2014 - I'm somewhat curious about the differences between German and American Boxers. German Boxer Vs American Boxer Dog. SEND PAYMENT. German lines tend to have a larger bone structure there for giving them a larger size then the north American boxer. TOE CURLING. Quality Boxer Puppies for Sale for Show, Work and Play. If you’re a general-use gun owner who isn’t too concerned about how your ammo works, it may not be a concern. Eye rims must be dark.Ears : The natural ears are of appropriate size. Puppies’ dew claws and tails removed. Yasho. The part of the lower jaw with lower lip curved upwards, called the chin, must not markedly protrude over upper lip, seen from front. His character is trustworthy, with no guile or cunning, even in old age. There muscle tone is much more pronounced and their muzzles tend to be quite a bit shorter. Some breeders who live by the rule that a Boxer is a Boxer, will mix bloodlines. Tail : Low set on, kink tail.7. READ REVIEWS WRITTEN BY EURO-DREAM BOXERS OWNERS . Americans … DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD : 13.03.2001. From root of nose, folds are always indicated running in a downward direction on both sides. A Boxer is a Boxer - there is no "American" or "European" Boxer. J & S Boxers has been breeding and raising quality European and American Boxers for 20 years. There are many differences between the American & Euro boxers, first there are several personality traits, then there is alot of conformation difference along with head type, weight, & size as shown above. Parents are Health tested and puppies come with health guarantee. Boxers with white markings on their coats are considered flashy, but an excessive amount--more than a third of the coat--leads to disqualification from dog show registries. FEEDING RAW DIET. Depth of chest is half the height at withers. FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.1. More information... People also love these ideas Pinterest. Arched loin, croup falling away. HINDQUARTERS : Very muscular, the muscles brick hard and visible under the. What's the difference between American Boxers and European Boxers? They merge with the muzzle in a slight curve.Eyes : The dark eyes are neither too small nor protruding or deep set. The topic of my talk was the differences between the North American, British and European Boxer as they are the major areas of influence in the world. The United States standard has been more focused on conformation. Fauve (du jaune clair jusqu'au rouge cerf foncé) ou bringé (lignes foncées ou noires, dans le sens des côtes, sur un fond de robe fauve). Conclusion; References; Boxer Breed Types: Is There Really More Than One Style Of Boxer? Are American Boxers Harder To Train Than Euro Boxers? Narrow pelvis, hollow flanks, pendulous belly.6. Boxer Dog Names. : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid breeds- Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds.Section 2.1 Molossoid breeds, mastiff type.With working trial.