We will now have energy flowing completely around us from six inches or more surrounding our physical bodies. Looking for books on energy (and not finding much) I read a book about Reiki which is a healing energy. Since Kundalini is a conscious energy it is individual as to what happens. When I focus more I feel the energy grow much larger and still in the shape of a sphere. Energy like an explosion will be felt strongly from the first chakra through the crown of the head. You may also need Kundalini to simmer in your first chakra, scraping the bottom of the barrel… getting to all of the deep and dark issues of that chakra. As for my diet I eat chicken, sandwhiches, just anything that I can gt my hands on, just no spicy food. This realization and direct experience of the chakras above the head and the feeling of direct divinity will allow for us to open the chakras below our feet. by maryshutan | Jun 30, 2014 | Kundalini, Spiritual Awakening | 0 comments. Or there must be something wrong with me because I’m feeling things so strongly. All Rights reserved. When it is fully uncoiled (three and a half times) it will be completely through its first cycle. On line there is just too much information to sort it out. Link to Our Site | Glossary | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use I have been meditating for 4 months not, and I can feel the energy so clearly now then before its crazy how meditation improves so much on intuitive abilities. I needed to sort them through before I could read him from a neutral place which at that time was light years away. Hey sorry about this message it may be a little disrespectfull for it not on topic. Kundalini is the guiding force that creates the physical further differentiating into qi (which then goes on to create the elements, the rest of our physical nature, everything we can see, taste, sense of “ordinary” reality). We realize that we are home- we are who we are and in the full embrace of divine flow. I am a clairvoyant, and I don't know why but when I lay down in bed or at night I start to feel so much energy, like waves of energy throughout my body as if there's somebody in the room or something. In time as we have our organs, tissues, layers, cells, even our DNA cleared this column will extend and fill our entire aura. is copyrighted to Angelrainbow. Even after we have fully felt Kundalini flow through every cell of our bodies it may need to return and work on a deeper level through the sushumna, or the first and second chakra. There is not a great deal of information on the pure energetics of Kundalini and how it courses through the body. When I touch anyone forehead I can scan his body and see the internal injured areas. And I don't wear perfume. Kundalini can awaken out of one of three channels- the sushumna (or central channel, basically the spine), ida or pingala (which begin in the second or third chakra, basically). Most of the people believe in sit and meditate according to me if you sit its only half better stand and meditate for a while before you sit. This is the caduceus symbol that we see in Greek mythology and modern Western medicine. I was going through that too and it was only 3 years ago and meditation very helpful you should try meditating. People have reported things like a feeling of energy flowing and tingling. Lucid Dreaming? The body does not lie. Reiki is the Japanese tradition of energy healing, and it dates back to the early 20th century. I can only feel energy and gut feelings and have a good clarification of what it is in my gut or head, but I can't see images at all but anyways what does this all mean? I can feel energy at my chakra points when I think about them. Since I was a young child I have been able to consciously send waves of strong energy through my body at will. It feels very intense, marvelous, very spiritual. The light around the head will grow larger and brighter. Next, the Kundalini will arise out of the crown chakra. But eventually you reach a point where it clicks a little. These sounds, depending on their frequency, tempo, and rhythm can either relax and soothe your mind-body system or enliven and energize it. Next, Kundalini will flow through the major channels of the body. Like as if I'm drunk but I'm not. Copyright © 2006-2021 Psychic-Experiences.com. Kundalini will again and again rise through the central channel. This whole feeling of getting the "electric shock feeling" is very scary.I hope someone out there may have some type of an answer for what this might be.