Get an answer for 'How did Joe Starks die?' 83 4. Tea Cake functions as the catalyst that helps drive Janie toward her goals. 70 He was the only one of her husbands who saw Janie as an equal. Joe tells her to get out, but Janie gets in the last word. How did Joe want Janie to look and act? In what sense is he a caricature of a black man who embraces the white man’s definition of a strong, powerful man? C. She became a role model for all of the young girls. What does he see as Janie’s place in his “dream?” 87 5. and find homework help for other Their Eyes Were Watching God questions at eNotes. p.48 21. she meets him when she was about to close up on the store that she owns. 9. What is symbolic about the way Starks paints his house? Like all of the other men in Janie’s life, he plays only a supporting role. The cartoonishness of Newsmax host Greg Kelly never ceases to amaze. She has become more wise. Janie gets annoyed and does something she normally doesn't do - gives her opinion: "Janie did what she had never done before, that is, thrust herself into the conversation." As a result, Janie feels that he's insensitive and doesn’t value her, so she leaves Logan to elope with Joe Starks. Click to see full answer Beside this, does tea cake treat Janie well? In Tea Cake she finds a creative and vivacious personality who enjoys probing the world around him and respects Janie's need to develop. What is symbolic about the streetlamp that Starks bought? p. 48 19. In the beginning things seem wonderful between the new married couple; however, after a while, Joe Sparks begins controlling Janie. Janie wanted her pear tree; she longed for real love, and she actually seemed to love Joe. What is Joe Starks’ dream? What does Janie complain Joe did to keep them from getting close? How did the people visiting Joe treat Janie? 12. Janie realized that Jody never respected her, “Ah knowed you wasn’t goingtuh listen tuh me. B) What happens during this visit? They ignored her just like they had in the time before Joe died. 87 Name _____ Their Eyes Were Watching God Study Guide Questions Chapter 9 1. In time, Janie leaves Logan Killicks for Joe Starks, who seems to be everything Logan is not. Unbeknownst to Janie, Joe wants to regain his manliness in her eyes and, in desperation, consults with charlatan herbalists ("root doctors"), trying to find a cure. Janie says that she looks her age, which means that she is a mature woman and not an … How does Janie feel about her marriage to Joe? He was indeed twelve years younger than Janie, but that did not stand in their way of love. They wrestled on until they were doped with their own fumes and emanations; till their clothes had been torn away; till he hurled her to the floor and held her there melting her resistance with the heat of his body, doing things with their bodies to express the inexpressible. 86) Janie knew that Jody never treated her as an equal and she did not love him because of it. Their relationship teaches Janie that she shouldn’t care what others think of her and Tea Cake. Whereas Joe treat Janie like a treasure. 2. answer choices . How was Janie affected by Joe’s’ death? “You ain’t got to business wud uh plow… you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo’self”(Hurston 29). Janie had everything she could possibly want, but her most important goal was not reached in Joe’s. She leaves and everyone on the porch makes fun of her. Joe treated Janie like she was worthless, made her think she was dumb, and he would also order her was mostly a toxic relationship. She couldn't get close to most of them. How did men treat Janie after Joe died? Chapter 4. He listens to Janie and tries to provide her with what she wants, rather than telling her how to behave. So, she left him for Joe Starks who promised to treat her the way a lady should be treated, but he also made her the way he thought a lady should be. Janie did not really like Logan she felt used and worthless and she dumps him and leaves him for joe starks Joe Starks How does Joe treat Janie? They were cruel to her because they believed she had poisoned Joe to death. He’s having an old lady, who’s a far worse cook than Janie, make his meals. Joe is also very confident and carries himself properly. Logan pampers Janie for a year before he tries to make her help him with the farming work. teacake is the second man that janie marries, after joe dies. SAN FRANCISCO — Draymond Green vowed to make up for losing his cool and costing Golden State a win at Charlotte last weekend. What was the result of joes suggestion that the town incorporate and elect a mayor? She even gave him a pet name which was Jody [Page 29]. Janie seethed. He wanted her to be " the bell-cow"; to look and act better than other women. Janie begins to observe and acknowledge Joe’s old age and decline in health. Briefly describe Joe Starks. How does Joe treat Janie? “Walked like he knew where he was going… There Joe takes control of the town and asserts himself as mayor after having improved the town and gained the trust of its citizens. Janie’s new husband doesn’t allow her to have a voice, and he just wants her to be his beautiful trophy wife. Yes. Nanny projects her own fear of the instability she herself experienced onto Janie, and as a result of this insecurity, attempts to control Janie. How does Janie feel about Joe when he dies? How does Joe treat Janie according to the town? 89 Janie's last husband was Vergible Tea Cake Woods, her one and only true love. Logan never shared with Janie, and Joe never listened. p. 50 Tea Cake’s love makes Janie lose herself again (“Analysis: Finding Shades of Meaning in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God”). A Taste of Freedom. On Friday’s episode of “Greg Kelly Reports,” the host took aim at Joe Biden’s dog, Champ, saying the German shepherd looks like he came “from the junkyard.” “I want to show you something I noticed. Why did Joe throw Henry Pitts out of town? Janie visits Joe before his death. How did the townspeople feel about Janie going out with tea cake? Janie’s story seems to be taking the same path as Annie. p. 48 20. Their Eyes Were Watching God is a novel by Zora Neale Hurston first published in 1937. What are they complaining about here? Whereas Logan treats her like a farm animal and Jody silences her, Tea Cake converses and … ... and Jody tends to treat Janie like an object or a … She is in love, and this love makes her weaker and even blind. How did Nanny influence Janie? The story is set in Eatonville, Florida. Joe has confused what Janie did with what Janie looks like. Why does Mr. Killicks go to Lake City? How did the town’s people feel about Janie going out with Tea Cake ? What does Sam Watson say is Joe’s defense? They disapproved because it had just been nine months since since Joe’s death and they think that he will take advantage of Janie . What do we learn Joe makes Janie do? The problem Janie had with Jody was that he did not treat her as equal. What is symbolic about the way Starks paints his house? You changes everything but nothin’ don’t change you – not even death. Tea Cake functions as the catalyst that helps drive Janie toward her goals. 7. D. She tells Joe that she did not leave Logan and "come down the road" with him to lead a life of "bowing down" and obedience. As a result of this abuse Janie leaves Logan for another man which she believes would treat her better. B. Janie also discovers that Joe isn’t eating her cooking anymore. What does/doesn’t he allow her to do? Starks introduces himself to Janie as "Joe," but later in the same chapter asks Janie to "call me Jody lak you do sometime," suggesting that Jody is a nickname Janie created. Tea Cake treats Janie unlike Logan or Joe did. Feeling used and unloved, Janie leaves him for Jody Starks. Chapter 6, pg. What was Janie's reaction when joe … He delivered with a triple-double of a career-high 19 assists, 12 rebounds and 11 points to help the Warriors to their first three-game winning streak of the season with a 130-121 victory against the Hornets on Friday night. Joe goes into the store and gives her a small piece of pork; she complains that it is so small. What does/doesn’t he allow her to do? 3. Who told Joe that Janie is trying to poison him? 88-89 2. Why is Sim mad at Joe? So, instead of directly addressing the issue and possibly putting himself in a position of vulnerability, Logan instead tries to brush off Janie’s threat and belittle it. they meet, he teaches he things she did … He was elected mayor. Before his arrival, Janie has already begun to find her own voice, as is demonstrated when she finally stands up to Jody. He would not let her speak in front of people, teach her to play checkers, or participate in other events. Give a brief analysis of their relationship together. They told her that women need help and that God never intended for them to be by themselves, especially if they own property. How did Joe and Janie act towards each other following their fight in the store? Janie tells Joe that "not listening" has been the main problem of Joe's life: he has been so busy listening to himself that he has never listened to her. But Tea Cake never let go. 3. But Ah ain’t goin’ outa here and Ah ain’t gointuh hush.” (Pg. Does anybody look a little, uh, a little rough?” Kelly said with a desperate laugh. Janie only becomes completely comfortable with this after she meets Tea Cake. What is symbolic about the streetlamp that Starks bought? What did Janie change after Joe’s death? How does Janie feel about her marriage to Joe? How is Janie treated as the Mayor’s wife? By the time Joe dies of kidney failure, Janie's marriage is very strained--Joe has been sleeping in a different room and even suspects her of poisoning him. Hey, at least Joe Starks washes his nasty feet. 8. How unusual! For the first time, Janie really knows what Joe is thinking and how he works. She became "the belle of the ball" and was invited to all of the social functions. 22. How is Janie treated as the Mayor’s wife? A) Explain Joe’s condition when Janie visits him. Again unfavorably for Janie, she did not receive all her goals in this marriage. They felt jealous and awestruck. How does Mr. Killicks treat Janie? The man Janie fled to was called Joe Starks and the two moved to Green Cove Springs together. Her future with Joe, all of a sudden, seems narrow. Which man do you agree with Sim or Sam and why? How did Joe's position affect Janie's' relationship with other town residents? p.49 23. The more time Janie spends with Tea Cake, the more confident she becomes about her dependency on this man. A. Janie's marriage to Logan can be seen as the product of Janie's submissive role in relation to her controlling grandmother – again, even if it is a loving control. Her greatest desire is a better life for Janie and for Janie to have a voice. 11. This really hurts Janie. “She just measured out a little time for him and set it aside to wait.” (78) 2. How does Joe treat Janie? 10. 8. Janie notices the problem early in the relationship and confronts Jody about it when she says "it jus' looks lak it keeps us in some way we ain't natural wid one 'nother. Nanny and her daughter have both had difficult lives. Their Eyes Were Watching God. He talked and listened to her as a human.