the nurse, whose screams of horror grab the attention of Lady Capulet; lady cap calls for help and lord cap arrives (1: Nurse, 2: Lady Capulet, 3: Lord Capulet), It is the Nurse who has brought Juliet up, having been her wet-nurse and then her Nanny and continues to be employed by the Capulets in this capacity. Justin has Juliet over for dinner so she can get to know his family. How does Juliet surprise her parents: by telling them that she’s going to marry paris: Whose ghost does Juliet see before drinking the potion: tybalt’s (“O look, methinks I see my cousin’s ghost / Seeking out Romes that did spit his body / Upon a rapier’s point! surprise her with a marriage to Paris: Where does romeo go after his banishment? 1 … Answer Save. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. does his treatment of her surprise you. tells them to “Dry up your tears, and put your rosemary on this beautiful corpse. Answered How does Juliet explain her new obedience to her parents? What does Juliet want from Friar Laurence? Paris comes to the Friar’s cell in order to…. If in thy wisdom thou canst give no help, Do thou but call my resolution wise And with this knife I’ll help it presently.”. Friar Laurence tries to comfort the mourners by reminding them that Juliet is now in heaven. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6282507bb8fd2bc6 How does Juliet surprise her parents By announcing her marriage to Romeo By saying she was in love with Tybalt By ratting out the Nurse By agreeing to marry Paris 4.what does capulet demand of juliet. He thinks it will help Juliet stop weeping over the death of Tybalt. At the beginning of the play, the parents think that Juliet is a respectful girl and listens to the parents needs. Answered by Aslan on 1/29/2013 9:48 PM She tells him that she has confessed her sins and will now remain obedient to him. How does Friar Laurence try to delay Paris? Revive, look up, or I will die with thee.”, lady capulet says this indirectly to juliet. disown her: What is Lord Capulet planning for Juliet? Justin is trying to work up to tell Juliet that he loves her but he does not kno… Her father (unaware) is determined to marry her to Paris. How does Juliet behave toward Paris when she sees him at the church? Join now. 5.what solution does the nurse offer to juliet predicament. Also in this scene, Juliet goes against her father's word for the very first time. by telling them that she's going to marry paris. Capulet’s loss of temper at Juliet and his subsequent ordering of her to marry Paris. Stay, Tybalt, stay!”),, “Ah, Juliet, I already know thy grief: It strains me past the compass of my wits. Juliet – Her mood changes from grief for Romeo to defiance & deception of her parents. He is so delighted that he moves up the marriage date. If Juliet had not of rebelled against her families’ wishes, she would have most likely been married to Paris, not dead. why or why not. At the beginning of the scene she is very polite, but once she hears what her father has arranged for her, she is furious and openly defies her parents – something that would have been shocking and with unheard of at that time. jonathanpivonka13 21.04.2020 English Secondary School +5 pts. Who says: “That may be, sir, when I may be a wife.”? Juliet’s relationship with her parents seems quite formal, and undergoes drastic change during the course of the novel. This essay is going to explore how the relationship with Juliet and her parents is presented in the play, and how it changes rapidly throughout. Juliet's Relationship With Her Parents in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Lord and Lady Capulet have a distant, but affectionate relationship with their daughter, Juliet. Where will Friar Laurence wait for Juliet to regain consciousness? How long will the sleeping potion, which will make Juliet appear to be dead, last? This is shown when the nurse says, “I think it best you married with the county. The shock of finding Juliet is so great that the Nurse calls for aqua vitae, a form of alcohol. what are juliet’s worries about the plan? It is no surprise, then, that Juliet finds the Nurse much more mother-like than her own mother. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Log in. She does obey her parents but betrays them behind their backs i. e. she marries Romeo without her parents permission when they are not supposed to become of the rivalry. Reveal answer. Juliet has a strained relationship with her mother, who loves her but is rather distant. how does juliet surprise her father when she returns home after seeing friar laurence? Log in. Juliet tells Theresa that she cannot eat their dinner because vampires have to watch what they eat. My child, my only life. I am ever ruled by you" giving her consent to marry Paris. Why do Juliet’s parents think she is sad? can tell her how to prevent the marriage to Paris. begs for forgiveness, and says that she will marry paris. arrange for his imminent marriage to Juliet. what does juliet say to get the nurse to leave her alone? 3 Answers. tybalt's ("O look, methinks I see my cousin's ghost / Seeking out Romes that did spit his body / Upon a rapier's point! When Juliet finally drinks the potion at the end of Scene 3, the mood is calm. Juliet’s thoughts before she drinks the contents of the vial indicate that she, is torn with terrible internal conflicts (refer to fears), Juliet threatens to commit suicide unless the Friar…. He is strict, harsh, not understanding. When were Juliet and Paris supposed to get married? When Lady Capulet mentions the proposed marriage to Paris, Juliet promises to obey her parents’ wishes and to look at Paris at the party: Juliet deceives her parents by encouraging Romeo, who is a member of the Montague family, to keep on seeing her. Juliet, however, is resolute in her decision to die rather than enter into a false marriage: "If all else fail, myself have power to die"(III.5.244). How does Juliet surprise her parents. she tells the nurse that she needs to stay alone to pray, and that the nurse needs to help her mom with the wedding, what time is it when the nurse finds juliet, “Ready to go, but never to return.O son! In conclusion, it is evident throughout the play that Shakespeare has portrayed the relationship between Juliet and her parents as perplexing and convoluted. 0 0. Designed by GonThemes. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Theresa decides to turn her family around and throw out all junk food. Your IP: Lady Capulet is enthusiastic about her husband’s desire to move the wedding from Thursday to Wednesday, “Hold, get you gone. In her soliloquy in Scene 3, Juliet worries that she will die in the tomb, stifled by foul air. The night before thy wedding dayHath death lain with thy wife.”, lord capulet to the people present in the room (lady cap, paris, nurse), what is the friar’s response to juliet’s “death”, he tells the people present that juliet is in heaven, which is a better place where she’ll be happier, “All things that we ordained festivalTurn from their office to black funeral.Our instruments to melancholy bells,Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast.Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change,Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,And all things change them to the contrary.”, lord capulet, doubles motif, possible irony, Why does Lord Capulet move the wedding to Wednesday, he’s excited and fears that Juliet will change her mind about marrying paris. Be strong and prosperous In this resolve. How does Juliet behave toward her father when she returns home? -the vial actually contains poison (Friar is plotting to kill her) -she wakes up before romeo comes-she will go insane there and want to bash her head with her ancestor’s bones -she worries that the friar will be dishonored if she marries paris after he married her to romeo-she will die of suffocation before romeo comes-tybalt is there and looking for romeo, things that will happen to juliet when she takes the potion, -no pulse-no warmth-no color-dark and cold-appear dead for 42 hours -no breath-stiff, stark, and cold-lips and cheeks will have no color-wake after 42 hours like a pleasant sleep. Asked by greta r #218157 on 1/29/2013 9:47 PM Last updated by Aslan on 1/29/2013 9:48 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Who finds Juliet FIRST the next morning (after she has drank from the vial)? Powered by WordPress. a flower; compares death to frost (quote said by lord capulet). • Juliet has a strained relationship with her mother, who loves her but is rather distant. Whose ghost does Juliet see before drinking the potion. yes, he thinks lord capulet is smart for having the marriage to stop juliet’s sadness, “Love give me strength, and strength shall help afford.Farewell, dear Father.”. Lady Capulet’s lines in Scene 5 indicate that Juliet is her only child. Juliet was a Capulet and her … 1. If you were Juliet’s parents would her quick change of mind surprise you?Act4 Scene II I assume you mean her change of mind when she told her father that she would, in fact, marry Parris. She suggests that the Nurse help Lady Capulet so that she, Juliet, can be alone. 1 decade ago. Juliet’s relationship with her parents changes during the course of the play, she is shy, obedient and behaves in a way that is typical of a wealthy daughter of the time. what reason does juliet give her mother for wanting to be alone? Juliet's father does not understand that she is crying mostly about Romeo's banishment rather than Tybalt's death. It’s natural for us to shed tears for her, but the truth is, we should be happy for her.” (sparknotes), reminds them she’s in heaven now, a vial of a potion that will put her in a coma for 42 hours and make her appear dead. Through this scene, the nurse rapidly changes her mind of Juliet’s marriage with Romeo, and urges her to marry count Paris, as this would please her parents and stop any trouble from brewing. Juliet did not care about the royalty of her family and the starts to see Romeo behind her mother's and father's back secretly. Juliet betrays her parents when she fakes her own death, and she does all of this because she wants to run away with Romeo. Upon her “death”, what does Shakespeare use to describe Juliet? Therefore, when Juliet goes to Friar Laurence and agrees to take a potion that will make her seem dead, she acts deceptively, but her actions are done out of desperation. Favorite Answer. At this point, when Juliet is most isolated from her family, even the Nurse betrays Juliet's trust by advising her to forget Romeo and comply with her father's wishes. She tells her father that she is sorry for being so . What compels Juliet to agree to the Friar’s desperate plan? The Friar promises Juliet that he will write to Romeo in Mantua and inform him of the plan. stubborn,and asks his forgiveness,and tells him "Henceforth. I’ll send a friar with speed To Mantua, with my letters to thy lord.”, “O me, O me! Why is Lord Capulet eager to see the marriage between Paris and Juliet performed quickly? Juliet refuses, wondering why her parents are in such a hurry for her to get married, and says that she would rather marry Romeo than Paris. Anonymous. O, he’s a lovely gentleman! • does paris agree with the sudden marriage plans? After receiving Friar Laurence’s instructions, what does Juliet do? For a short time during Scene 1, Juliet entertains herself with the idea of marrying Paris. When she wakes in the tomb to find Romeo dead, she does not kill herself out of feminine weakness, but … The Capulets expect total obedience from her and forces her to take extreme measures when she holds her own. What is Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s apology for her behavior? Juliet does not get along with her parents easily, could it be the fact that she does not understand her parent’s feelings. Romeo’s a dishclout to him. This causes her even more distress because she is already married to Romeo, so she fights with her parents. How does Juliet surprise her father when she returns home after seeing Friar Laurence? After witnessing the events in Act 3 Scene 5 aspire, the audience is very biased to the fact that the relationship between Juliet and her parents is very insecure and distant. And, in accordance with custom, carry her to the church in her best clothes. Firstly, in Act 1 Scene 2 Lord Capulet is having a discussion with Paris regarding Juliet, Paris wishes to marry Juliet, however Capulet says “My child is yet a stranger in the world”. The Romeo and Juliet effect states that the more parents try to interfere in a relationship, the stronger that relationship will become; just like Romeo and Juliet. how does juliets relation ship with the nurse change during this act. Before she drinks the potion, Juliet has all of the following fears EXCEPT that. Paris promises that on Thursday, he will awaken Juliet with a kiss. Juliet had a plan with friar to go home, agree to the marriage, and then go in her room and drink a postion that makes her seem dead for 48-72 hours. Why does Friar Laurence agree to help Juliet further? Juliet fears “this mixture” will “not work at all” and she will “be married…tomorrow morning”. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. because of Tybalt’s death: What does Lord Capulet threaten to do if Juliet refuses to marry Paris? everyone would think shes dead, and she would happily be with romeo By the end of the play she is disobedient and becomes very independent. 1. What does Friar Laurence urge the family to do? wants to know how to prevent her marriage to paris or she will kill herself, 6 things juliet would rather do than marry paris, -jump off of any tower-walk on roads infested by thieves-lurk where serpents are-get chained to roaring bears -hide in a charnel house (house of dead ppl bones)-be covered by bones and a dead guy, house where the bones of dead people are put, -consent to marry paris -take the vial alone in her room -42 hours later when she wakes in the capulet vault, romeo will find her and they’ll go to mantua, what is friar lawrence’s part in the plan. she would be burried and then wake up in the timb with romeo by her side. how would u describe her state of mind at this point. After each of the mourners speaks his or her grief, the Friar comments: “The heavens do lourupon you for some ill;/Move them no more by crossing their high will.” What “ill” does theFriar refer to? The scene in question is extremely important in the whole outcome of the play because it is the last time Juliet will see Romeo alive. Mantua: I hear thou must, and nothing may prorogue it, On Thursday next be married to this county.”, “Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it. Find an answer to your question How does Juliet explain her new obedience to her parents? Stay, Tybalt, stay!") Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. This statement has a double meaning because her … Juliet and her parents have quite a distant relationship they don't spend a lot of time together and throughout Juliet's life It had always been her nurse she went to for help and not her mother, her nurse knows everything about Juliet including her marriage to romeo and the fact that she does … She worries that the Friar gave her poison “to have” her “dead, since “he married” her “before to Romeo” and would feel ashamed to marry her to Paris. Juliet's surprise at her mother's sudden arrival is acceptable, as her mother never visits her in her … Juliet, the only daughter of the house of Capulet, does … He tries to make her feel better by moving up the date of her wedding to Paris. What does Paris think has upset Juliet so much, by telling them that she’s going to marry paris, Whose ghost does Juliet see before drinking the potion, tybalt’s (“O look, methinks I see my cousin’s ghost / Seeking out Romes that did spit his body / Upon a rapier’s point! 6.what excuse does juliet use to leave her house. How does Juliet show her obedience? 1) Juliet is a girl romeo is a boy2)Their Father are different.Lord Capulet- He is Juliet's father. Join now. In Act IV of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo has been exiled to Mantua for killing Tybalt, but he and Juliet are still married. Relevance. Ask your question. According to Friar Lawrence, why did the Capulets want Juliet to marry Paris? Essentially, Juliet cuts herself loose from her prior social moorings—her nurse, her parents, and her social position in Verona—in order to try to reunite with Romeo.