Feels like a sharp pain and it is worse when I lie down and after I eat. (What they call IBS now. And I am so excited to feel normal again :") My ultrasound also came back normal. About 30 minutes after I eat, I have diarrhea. Yum! Gosh I'm just not sure. So sick of it. /r/ConstipationAdvice Thank you so much for sharing your experience. 2 weeks of absolutely debilitating abdominal pain. Why would you think this would be needed? At 9.30 pm I suddenly felt car sick (sitting on my couch) then by 10.30 pm my stomach just blew up with bloating, and I had abdominal pain … Short story, last week my right side started hurting, just behind my ribs. I have been to the hospital several times. Do you have your gallbladder? Mine has always been lower right the area that's called the right iliac fossa. Glad you got tests done! I have felt really great for a couple of years and really don't want to deal with this again. Results from that came back clear. Eat more popcorn. My ultrasound also came back normal. I can maybe offer some ideas if you’re interested. Have you had something similar? Remember that it is not good for you to put yourself in situations that are going to make you unduly uncomfortable. Twinge of pain in right side of lower abdomen. In my mid 20’s I finally went to a doctor. Dependable irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) causes, symptoms, support and treatment for digestive health sufferers, family and friends since 1987. )That food was likely the cause. You may not be able to sit comfortably. Could a gas bubble get stuck for days? im so happy right now! In this article, we explore the reasons behind 10 common symptoms of IBS. I read the story from July 22, 2009. It's the pain resulting from hunger that is making life miserable. Medically reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA — Written by Ann Pietrangelo — Updated on April 13, 2017. Chronic pain may be constant or recurring frequently for extended periods of time. Worth looking it up. I have been dealing with pain on my right side and diarrhea all the time. My pain was severe enough to send me to the hospital twice and I took some kick-arse painkillers as well. Day One: Eat popcorn. It can cause a lot of anxiety, pain, and depression. Rhuemy sent me to have an ultrasound of my galbladder. It seems like since then if I eat something sweet I can feel the same pain but milder in that same area. [–]jouledog[S] 1 point2 points3 points 10 days ago (5 children). For the last few months I've been getting a pain in my lower right side, and I'm trying to figure out if it's related to the IBS or not. irritablebowelsyndrome.net. When you had your ultrasound did they look for inflammation or gall stones? /r/Anxiety Along the same vein, poor appetite, not explainable by a fear of eating trigger foods, is not a symptom of IBS. The chronic pain in IBS can be felt anywhere in the abdomen (belly), though is most often reported in the lower abdomen. Oblique strain or side strain is quite common and not much treatment is required aside from rest and pain medications. Most commonly, the pain occurs in your lower left side, but the pain can actually occur anywhere in the abdomen. I have ibs and have been struggling with constipation this week, I also have reflux. The pain can be low down on the right either around where the ovaries and then appendix is, then it can be in the right side and around my back, quite sharp on and off and a pulling sensation at times. The physical effects can vary from discomfort to severe pain. IBS symptoms often result in an inability to make commitments or to follow through on plans. Share on Pinterest. But seriously, see a doctor. I have had a upper gi and a CT scan to check for crohns and a blood test for celiac, also a ultrasound for gallstones. What the actual fuck was I thinking eating those 😭😭😭. It is what it is and all you can do is the best that you can. I have had this pain for 9 weeks. One of the main clues that appendicitis is involved is that the pain will migrate from the navel to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.