Every finger in your hand is connected to a planet. Index finger is connected to Jupiter (Jupiter shows the path, it is the teacher). Also known as ‘Anjali Mudra’ where ‘Anjali’ represents offering and Yoga class … After all, you know yourself better than anyone else. Colour – YELLOW | Mantra – RAM | Element – FIRE. Muscle testing using chakra energy cards is another great way to find out how balanced your chakras are. Let the tips of your … It is done by simply connecting your palms in prayer hands in front of your heart chakra. It sharpens the brain, empowers the mind, nervous system, endocrine system and pituitary gland. As you meditate, make the sound LAM . Extend the Index (Jupiter) Finger straight up. Notice the space getting smaller when you inhale, and bigger when you exhale. The thumb is not governed by a planet and is related to the element of Fire.It is the symbol of divine energy that has risen above the ego and the material world, it represents universal consciousness. clear any of those chakras, you just take your hand, and it can be the right hand, left hand, whatever feels comfortable for you, and you start clearing. Encircle the right index finger with the four fingers of the left hand. Chant the sound YAM. Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel. Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart. Index Finger Energy Meditation can help us to notice thought patterns in the mind. Systems: Large intestine and its functions Middle Finger - Connected to solar plexus, the ability to take action and achieve results. Our Sacral Chakra, or Svadisthana, is located in the … Anjali Mudra. U    About the past or the future? Ring fingertip and thumb = Surya Mudra, Seal of LifeThe Surya mudra gives us vitality and aliveness. Air - the index finger represents the air element, connected to the heart chakra. Index fingertip and thumb = Gyan Mudra, Seal of Knowledge The Gyan Mudra is the mudra of wisdom, because it joins the divine finger (thumb) with the finger of self (index finger). Anjali Mudra (heart offering) Place the palms together at heart center, with a small space in … We have a beautiful meditation video for you on our Practice Page that has all four of them incorporated. Fire - the thumb relates to the fire element, connected to the solar plexus chakra. Index Finger Meditation may also be repeated on the other side, with the left index finger encircled by the right fingers. Tuck your thumbs inside your palms, inside of your index and middle finger. Space - the middle finger represents the space element, connected to the throat chakra. Tuck your thumbs inside your palms, inside of your index and middle finger. Index finger is related to the planet Jupiter and the element of Air (Vayu), carries the energy of subconscious and the ego. Fold your index finger, associated with the element of air, into your palm. Focus on your fingers when they touch, feel the integration of the left and right side of the body. It is, thus, having quality of leadership, wisdom, confidence, and spirituality too. Close your eyes, and imagine sitting in a field of swaying ears of grain. Afterwards, they tap into their tailed beast's chakra and directs a portion of it to their index finger. Kundalini Yoga Mantra Meditation to clear blocks from karma and to let go of attachments relating to the impact of past actions; start creating your future. Now say the symbol name three times. The index finger represents the earth element and the earth element directly controls the root chakra.. Chant the sound RAM.. Open the Heart Chakra. It is important to straighten the fingers. Mudra for second chakra: Shakti Mudra. In terms of Chakra yoga, poses such as Balancing Butterfly pose, Headstand (Sirsasana) and (Half) Lotus promote concentration, peace, and balance and are, thus, perfect for re-aligning the Crown Chakra. The little and the index finger are pointed out. It brings in knowledge, expands our field of possibilities and releases us from limitations. This will induse separation of element of air from the element of fire. Sacral Chakra. Z, Copyright © 2021 Yogapedia Inc. - Middle finger: Sexuality or anger, or both. Follow these steps to practice Index Finger Energy Meditation: Begin in a stable sitting posture or lying down.