When Britain falls, some territories such as Gibraltar, Cyprus, and Malta are seized by other countries. Duarte Nuno) as a part of the. Quentin Roosevelt, the son of Theodore Roosevelt, didn't participate the Weltkrieg and avoided his death and is a prominent Republican politician. However, while most of the Canadian tanks keep their real life names, the Churchill is now called the King. Of note is that Ireland had already went independent in the aftermath of Weltkrieg. ; Culture Police: Mosley's government enforces the Maximist ideology, ensuring that film, literature, music, art must all … While they both start under Japan, they can later overthrow the Japanese yoke and unite Russia and China respectively for themselves. Happens in regards to the deaths of historical figures. Dominion Of Canada (British Exiles) - 2/2, marching his army on Washington to depose them, Which is what the British Commonwealth initially called them, despite them being on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum, absolutely hating the other on both an ideological and personal level, National Populist/Corporatism/Pseudo-Fascist/Ultranationalist, they back the American Union State, the Federal Government and the Pacific States, about how much more awesome Britain will be in the next forty years, Savinkov's National Populists, the KR version of Nazis, Of course, you can always be a jackass and crack down even more, invite the exiled monarchy back onto Britain, Pacific States of America will secede, declaring themselves the only ones who still believe in America's founding values of liberal democracy and limited government. The latest version of the mod can be downloaded here (for Darkest Hour) and here (for HoI 4), the mod also has its own wiki, official subreddit and Twitter. On the far right of the spectrum, the Intetgralists in Portugal and Brazil tend to be racially tolerant and treat their subjects relatively benevolently unless they step out of line. It is now 1936. My allegiance was to the Republic, MacArthur, to DEMOCRACY! The point of divergence in this mod is the Central Power victory over the Entente in the first World War. The Fifth Anglo-Afghani War between the Emirate of Afghanistan and the Dominion of India almost always ends with the rapid defeat of Afghanistan and them return their conquered territory back to the Dominion of India. A Second Weltkrieg, promising to be several times bigger than the first, seems to lie on the horizon. They can also be seen as opportunists looking to secede from the Union while the other factions are too busy fighting each other. China has been split into multiple pieces as well. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/KaiserreichLegacyOfTheWeltkrieg. It is one of the weakest nations in the entire game, but with luck and careful planning, they can actually reclaim all of Russia by politics and war, and even eventually become the true, unified Russia, gaining cores all the way and eventually becoming a true major power, even before they're done. Nestor Makhno, leader of the anarchist Free Territory of Ukrainian during the Ukrainian Revolution, fled Ukraine to the Commune of France after the defeat of the Black Army and the Bolsheviks by German intervention. If the Carlists win the Spanish Civil War, King Jaime will have the option to claim the Bourbon Throne and dominion over all of France in addition to just Spain. Argentina wins a war against Bolivia and Brazil and annexes Paraguay and Uruguay to form the Federation of La Plata. Not even the foreign concessions can escape from the mad power struggle, as the Legation Cities themselves are divided between the different foreign powers, most notably Japan and Germany, who wants more influence over the cities. Firm stands, and true, the Watch, the Watch at the Rhine! On even more bitter than sweet note, bordering on, Liberia, if it sides with National France. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. In France, Makhno can be elected to power as the leader of the Anarchist faction. Hermann von Göring in Mittelafrika can force the native population to expand the mines of Katanga under horrible labor conditions, displace Africans from their homes during the construction of a power plant, and use forced labor to create weapons for Germany. The developers have admitted that filing Zhang Tianran's Yiguandao movement under the National Populist ideology isn't very fitting, as the Eurocentric view the game's ideologies are based on doesn't work at all with an ideology entrenched in Chinese spiritualism. Syndicalist nations around the globe have the option to attend, If the player decides to keep Russia politically right-wing (either by restoring the Russian Monarchy or having it as a Conservative/Market Liberal republic) and declares war on the Commune of France or Imperial Germany, an event will fire named "The Great Patriotic War against the Commune of France/Germany". The Manchu hardliners in Qing are normally subservient to Wu Peifu's Zhili clique, but if Wu fails to properly manage the LEP collapse and throws his own territory into chaos, Wu's opposition will move to strengthen the Manchu hardliners, and attempt a coup with outside help to fully restore the Qing monarchy. Britain, France and Italy had hostile revolutions that exiled their governments to their colonies, Britain is now based on Canada (Although it still possesses a. Stalin (going by his real name), Zhukov, Tukhachevsky and Chuikov represent the forefront of Bolshevik expertise and are in Patagonia advising the revolution before possibly returning to Russia or Red France should the Syndicalists end up in a war there. Speaking of China, the Japanese are still supporting a Manchurian puppet state in opposition to the legitimate Chinese government — except in this world, the puppet's a republican splinter state while China is ruled by a restored Qing Empire under Pu Yi, the exact opposite of the historical situation. Josias zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, head of the Princely House of Waldeck and Pyrmont. Thing is, the real 7th Armoured Division was only formed in. They can also be seen as Southern populists trying to take power from the federal government and create a dictatorship. As the war ends on continental Europe, the United Kingdom cannot afford to continue the war. If Douglas MacArthur seizes power from either of the most extreme presidents, Jack Reed or Huey Long, or any other president if they refuse to take action to take action to deal with Reed and/or Long, the. Outside of the Chinese warlords, Tibet and Mongolia can also expand into/have expanded into China, throwing even more chaos into the country. Added Kaiserreich government names for Germany and the united HRE (if German), ruled by the Kaiser/Kaiserin. And there's a chance that Canada will take Alaska, the Panama Canal, and have Puerto Rico join the Caribbean Federation. Should the United Kingdom be restored, one of the national focuses they have in the Reconstruction Authority tree in called "Loyalist Propaganda", which gives a national idea called "Agitprop". Canada, which houses the British Royal Family in exile, has the primary goal of trying to reinstall. In the Garibaldi's Nightmare update. If Ireland handles its Ulster loyalist tensions poorly, Ulster loyalists will declare independence and begin a civil war with Ireland. Since the dominant school-of-thought for the radical left in the setting, Syndicalism, has a much more democratic outlook compared to Marxist Leninism, for a socialist country to take the more authoritarian options that allow for the Totalist to come into power will likely result in massive dissent gains, even leading to an outright civil war. The original lore was some of the oldest content ever created for. If the Commune of France purges the army under Jacobin rule, National France may immediately invade while the Commune is completely disorganized. This can happen to the Netherlands or Germany (and in more specific circumstances to Portugal). Similarly, many other regional power blocs use the chance to nibble at Germany's subjects, and its less satisfied subjects might even try to break free. The title is a reference to Churchill's famous speech during the Battle of Britain, The book itself is not only a reference to the fact that Churchill really did write an Alternate History story (well, essay), but the essay he wrote was about a historian in an alternate timeline writing an alternate history essay about what would happen if the even had happened the way it did in our timeline, In the event announcing the birth of Edward VIII's first child, it mentions that, prior to the birth, his brother would have become king in case of his "death or. While similar in Broad Strokes, there are some slight differences between the two versions of the mod due in part to different mechanics in the respective base games, slightly divergent development choices and different release paces. It is possible to turn the Shanxi Clique over to the Guominjun which turns them into this. This is especially notable, since they do actually take stuff like this into account elsewhere, with the Union of Britain version of the Churchill tank and Churchill Kangaroo APC being called the Mosley and Mosley Kangaroo instead. The Union of Britain can balkanize itself by electing the Radical Socialists, who favor devolution, which depending on other choices, spins off Wales and Scotland as either subjects of England or fully independent syndicalist nations. Kaiserreich is an alternate history Total Conversion Mod for Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV. War crimes are committed by basically everyone. Added startup screens for Hungary, Milan and the Wittelsbach Bavarians. In previous versions, Edward VIII may bring the Entente into the Second Weltkrieg against Germany, judging that avenging their initial defeat is a more pressing concern than reclaiming Britain from the Syndicalists. However, as soon as Qing/Zhili hegemony collapses, it is inevitable that other politically motivated factions will start rising up in China, eventually leading to a civil war between several rival governments. ", One of CSA's military focuses has this line originally spoken by General Shepherd from, When Liangguang declares independence Qing will get an event about it with the response. If Syndicalist Spain loses to Germany, it can be divided into several nations including an independent Catalonia and an independent Basque Country. Kaiserreich has also their own spin-off Führerreich: Legacy of the Great War, based on a Double-Blind What-If novel described in Kaiserreich. President Hoover of the USA is so widely hated that his own party has largely disassociated from him. An independent Siberia can also be released if Russia is defeated. Father Charles Coughlin, Catholic priest, Huey Long supporter, anti-socialist and anti-Semite who has a radio program where he talks about his political ideas, is a possible minister option in the AUS. If Germany is capitulated, the winner can divide it into Bavaria, Rhineland, Hannover, and Prussia. The federal government wants to restore the Union and maintain its traditional mix of democracy and market economics under the Constitution. Subverted with William Dudley Pelley, as while he (on the surface). Two of the more notable ones are Kalterkrieg Shadow Of The Weltkrieg, focusing on a cold war between the Entente and Reichpakt after their difficult victory over the Third Internationale, and Krasnacht Twilight Of The Gods, focusing on a cold war between a victorious Third Internationale and the emerging Savinkovist Saratov Pact. Unsurprisingly, all this leads to the Viet Cong rising up against them. If SPA candidate Jack Reed is elected, Huey Long's American Union State tends to be larger as a backlash to Reed's policies. Transamur can attempt to drag fellow disgruntled Japanese puppet Fengtian into joining their revolt as part of the Anti-Japanese Pact, but often by the time they'd get a the event to do it, Japan has already called Fengtian into the war, and they can't change sides after joining the war. Tuscany and Venice can be released if the Kingdom of Two Sicilies reunites Italy under the Italian Federation, and Venice can also revolt from ANI-led Italian Republic. You know which other far-right politician blamed commies for setting fire to the parliament building? Both Wrangel and Grand Duke Dmitri (who is also a Romanov though not the legitimate line of succession) can claim the Russian throne for themselves, usurping it from Kirill Vladimirovich, the head of the house of Romanov. The Remnant can be best described as a more militaristic version of Last of His Kind, being members of a faction who are continuing to fight a war that their side has already lost.Basically a (usually villainous) version of La Résistance that formed from the remains of The Empire or some other faction. The Spanish Civil War usually turns into a 3 way fight. The second Weltkrieg has at various periods of the mod's history been this. The Paternal Autocrat military dictator of Panama, Manuel Pino, uses a picture of real life Panamanian dictator Omar Torrijos as his portrait as Pino has no known photographs. Should the Nanjing Clique gets taken down, the victors will be quick to turn on each other. Considering Hermann von Göring's depravities that he uses to rule Mittelafrika, it's not surprising that if he's allowed to remain in power that the natives will get tired of him using them as his personal toys and end up rebelling, leading to the collapse of German dominance in Africa and a huge number of new nations popping up, which then leads to multiple simultaneous wars. The United States can be balkanized if the 2nd American Civil War kicks off, and split into as many as 6 distinct nations. Facebookpräsenz zum Blog philosophia-perennis.com - Liberalkonservative Seite - … France can cause a rebellion in Wallonia and Alsace-Lorraine once war between Germany and France breaks out, spawning 4 militia divisions. Liangguang is technically two factions, Guangxi and Guangdong, united into one by personal relations. In actuality they lord over the place like old-school absolute despots, and the Fatherland basically turns a blind eye to their dealings so long as Berlin gets its cut. Within Russia itself, socialism can be put in place once again and it's possible to take a Leninist path once more. Several National Focuses for the members of the Entente require the Internationale to be at war with Reichspakt, using their distraction to make invading them easier. The collapse of the British rule in India had created a three-way division between the Dominion of India, the Princely Federation, and the Bharatiya Commune, and the three can easily declare war on each other to attempt reunification. It encompassed the Japanese archipelago and several colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories.. Notably, the military regime. Meanwhile, having remained committed to neutrality, the United States does not intervene in the war. Sometimes New England becomes its own country, aligned with the Entente, or is absorbed into Canada. ", There's also the reaction to MacArthur seizing power in Washington, kicking off the Second Civil War. This is quite similar to the actions of the Soviet Union from OTL in 1956 and 1968, aimed at preserving its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. Boris Savinkov (historically a Right-SR who ran its Combat Organization/Terror Brigade, and afterwards opposed the Bolsheviks) is the leader of the most extreme national populist faction in Russia that could take power with Kerensky's death, and arguably takes over the role that Hitler filled in OTL — especially since rather than taking power. The Falkland Islands are called the Islas Malvinas, with Port Stanley being Puerto Argentino, while South Georgia. The German Empire or the Imperial State of Germany, also referred to as Imperial Germany, the Second Reich, the Kaiserreich, as well as simply Germany, was the period of the German Reich from the unification of Germany in 1871 until the November Revolution in 1918, when the German Reich changed its form of government from a monarchy to a republic.. They also have to fend off the superior firepower of the German Empire and naval invasions regularly. Howard Hughes and William Randolph Hearst are potential Heads of Government for the Pacific States. And this foreign policy goal is deemed to be so unrealistic that there is a 0% chance of the AI picking it. This is Chen Jiongming's plan for China, believing it to be a continuation of the checks and balances that any healthy democracy needs, that China's size and diversity would make any unitary regime too unwieldy, and that there was a good Chinese tradition of local self-government that a federalist approach could strengthen to build up democratic traditions from the bottom-up. Russia can adopt almost every type of government, with most of the options available even at the start of their campaign, which isn't even getting to additional options brought on by Transamur. Black Monday - The Berlin Stock Exchange collapses, sending shockwaves around the world. Transamur is a tiny, weak pretender state that claims to be the legitimate government of Russia. They can also be seen as radical revolutionaries wanting to bring down the establishment and cause chaos in America. Karl I von Habsburg is alive and stays as the emperor of Austria. President Kerensky of Russia is disliked by everyone, and is only still President because all the other potential leaders of the country are too controversial. In the decades since the Weltkrieg, the world has been an unstable and violent place. Here you can find the changelogs for all Beta releases of KR4. The actual Qing was overthrown during the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, and is pretty much completely dead. If MacArthur chooses the latter, he will reform the government along the lines of his OTL occupation of Japan. If Transylvania, Dobruja and Bukovina are indeed obtained, the last thread uniting them is torn asunder, and they will take advantage of a Legionary party dispute to finally take the other down. This mirrors the partition of Germany following WWII, and the mod. This is a subversion, however, as the peninsula. Expatica is the international community’s online home away from home.