In 2010, many temple-attending members began to notice something different about the actor playing the part of the apostle John in one of the versions of the temple film. What the heck?!? I take what I can from what I'm taught, and thus far, it has proved to be very beneficial.Love and peace to you, too.Cody. Fred is my friend also, the Church tried to digitally change his face, despite the large price tag the end result never looked right and they ultimately ditched that temple film. Was it because the Church was either unhappy or embarrassed that an actor in the temple film had come out against the Church? Author Chad Daybell, 51, is on the run with his wife Lori Vallow, 46, after police learned Vallow's children Joshua, 7, and Tylee, 17, have been missing since September. I don't go to Church in order to "educate," I go to be educated. for 17 years. Also, that was very noble of you to “ask the FBI to investigate” you. But the other things including making comments, yes, I was told I could no longer do that. I've been home from school for about an hour. It wasn’t intended that way—I don’t put them through a temple recommend interview when I bring people into the company. I'm also grateful to hear about the heartfelt love members of your ward have shown you, and the encouragement they are giving you to stay as involved in the Church as you can be.I was intrigued by one statement in this post: "He also told me I could appeal the decision if I wanted to (since I feel this is what’s supposed to be, it is not my intention to do so). I know a little of your travail and trials having been on the other side of the table and the desk a number of times as a young high counselor and later as a bishop. Regards,Brian. In order to enter, I would have to break the promises I have made to my other. I don’t know what it is.” About eighty percent of my company is from Utah, and about seventy percent are good LDS kids. This series These are the players in my life, all sharing the same stage. }. I had a very frank discussion with my stake president, who has a brother and two nephews that are gay. 9 temples to begin or resume Phase 2 in latest temple reopening update Newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Editor's note: This press release was originally published on May 7, 2020, and has been updated weekly. Perhaps I will regret choices I have made, but I don’t regret them now. Perhaps in an eternal perspective, I will find I was wrong, but as far as a mortal perspective is concerned, I am doing just fine. Well-known LDS actor Kirby Heyborne portrayed the character who shares his name, and this scene is legendary in his house. Thanks for the full report, Cody. Second, what has the law firm’s founders religious beliefs have to do with whether or not there is a legal foundation (rightly or wrongly) to send letters or proceed with legal action. And I feel very strongly that he is happy that I am happy. Comments to Traci continued:The difference between those faithful Mormon women you describe and people like me is that at least the single Mormon woman has the hope of finding a mate. We ended up being married a month later, but I felt then, and have always felt very blessed by the decision and some of the unintended consequences. Had it been me, I wouldn't have gone through with it. Holy Fetch! Yeah, they are true to their covenants. This blog originally started out as my journey of deciding to come out and embrace a gay relationship. Interesting.Good luck with everything!P.S. The rumor also soon began to circulate that the reason for this change was because the former actor was gay and/or had spoken out against the Church’s stance on Proposition 8. "I'm fascinated by this, because I similarly have not felt it was my place to challenge or argue with Church policy. I'd have sent in a resignation and said goodbye. anxiety se... As many of you know, chedner and I enjoy our TV quite a bit. I feel the Spirit at Church, and it energizes and gives me strength, not the opposite. But I've been doing that for a while now anyway. Anyway, I don't see the benefit of paying tithing to an organization I no longer formally belong to.Alan, I agree with you, but I also know that because I am in violation of certain commandments and covenants, the Church probably can't make exceptions on what is currently a pretty strict rule.Thanks again to the rest of you for your kind words of love, encouragement, and support. Thanks, George, for your kind words and comments. frozen ... Hey, it's a tradition, even if my blog has stopped being one! It soon became apparent to members that the former John had been professionally edited out of the film and replaced with a new actor. Michael Ballam (along with the rest of the actors in any edition of the temple movie) is too melodramatic. Last summer was a big bummer right from the g... Six years ago, I came out on this blog. Like John, and you, I too have found my life's partner -- no single celibate life on this earth with flimsy, make-shift promises for gays & lesbians in the next, can compare with the beautiful reality of our lives together. Dear Robert, The actor is the American John Foss (Behind the Scenes on the Jerusalem Movie Set).IMDB profile John Foss, though it doesn’t include his work for the Church.He has also played Joseph Smith. I'm glad that you are at peace with everything. What is unsettling to the church leaders is that after the excommunication we are blessed with added spirituality and happiness. Others enter the temple in order to seal their promises to each other for all eternity. And that, I cannot do. It was only when I got a call from Salt Lake that I found out otherwise. My Blog Archive Thanks for this amazing post. I'll take the risk.God has blessed Jonah and me enormously. I'm also surprised that they wouldn't accept tithing from you, since I've heard stories about non-members paying tithing. To help clarify, what do you mean by “condone” and from whose perspective is this word used. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. On March 1, 2021, nine temples … Bravone. simultaneously, a lifetime ago. I am happier, have much more confidence in the love of my Savior, and the mindfulness he has of me. bird and animal creations? In my case, a large part of my discussion in the disciplinary council was around childhood incest, and its long term impact on my life. Continuing to live the Gospel the best I could and attending Church as faithfully as possible. The website dedicated to Mormon urban legends, rumors, folklore, famous Mormons, myths and more. There is no other way, that I know of, that he ever would have been excommunicated for his actions, and his refusal to acknowledge and repent of his actions. I am so happy for you that you have found Jonah, what a blessing!. Mentally. Did the Church edit out an actor from the temple film because he went astray Undetermined. I remember thinking at the time that she was deluding herself. In some ways, I actually appreciate it more. Elder Maxwell used to like to quote Nephi where he said 'we do not know the meaning of all things, only that God loves us', and I know he loves you and I equally-- all of us together. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and pay the price for others' lack of knowledge. They never have sex, they never find their companion. Thus the heartbreak. I couldn't do it and didn’t wish to. Yet I still have very positive feelings towards the LDS Church; I still enjoy going; I am as much of a contributor as I can be. I am not angry at the Church. realize it about myself. [I believe that there is precedence for the marriages -- of gays & lesbians in loving, faithful, committed relationships -- in the fact that the members of the Church may be sealed to a spouse in the temple "for time & eternity," but are allowed (on the death of that spouse) to marry a subsequent spouse in an LDS chapel (or temple) "for time only."] The first we filmed entirely on stage at the LDS Motion Picture Studio in 1988; the second was filmed out on location in 1990. As an adult telling my story I have been receiving threatening unsigned letters from the churches lawyers at Kirton McConkie a law firm founded by relatives of top mormon leadership. I do not know what the afterlife holds as far as my issues are concerned, but I sincerely feel very happy and fulfilled in my life. Sorry if you've already answered this in earlier blog posts, I haven't read down that far yet. If the UBA says there is no violation on the part of the law firm, then take it up with your legislators and have the laws changed to what you think they ought to be. My agent over there says every time, “There is something so different about your group. He is with us constantly. display: none !important; You have courage. This comment has been removed by the author. Angels in America (2003; HBO) How did they accuse you? 2 When my file was being reviewed by the church legal department, to make sure that an automatic appeal was not needed, a cross checking revealed the lack of note in his record. Jonah makes me very happy, and I have felt such a positive transformation in my life since found him. It is an encouraging sign that it took 90 minutes of discussion. Very interesting. These hazy bluish-gray days have painted a world to match the frequency I John, J G-W,Thanks for your very kind words.I was kind of surprised I could appeal, too, but I guess it makes sense. My love and support go out to you. Also, it has not "taken" energy. Thanks so much. Required fields are marked *, −  He appealed the decision, but the GAs turned it down, as the thought that the evidence giving was compelling and complete, and after praying about it, they felt that the decision reached was the correct one. The spirit of this post is incredible. BREAKING NEWS! "I don't have his kind of courage. I have written about this many times in my blog, but ultimately for the well-being of my emotional health I decided it was best to do what I’ve done. Why do more men not choose this route? I was excommunicated a few months after you, because I was living with my boyfriend. It was interesting reading this and seeing parallels in my life. I work in film production, and worked on both temple films when they were re-made. There's the idea of, "ah, but when this life is over, you will find a woman in the next life." It means a lot that everyone in the blogosphere cares about me so much.FD, they never told me I couldn't pay tithing. Both stake presidents had died since that time, one of the bishops was serving as a mission president and the other was no longer a member. Thus the bittersweet of being in that place. Mormon urban legends, myths, famous Mormons and LDS rumor site. Emotionally. Church leaders also accused me of threatening to bomb Mormon churches at which point I asked the FBI to investigate me regarding these lies. Yet they are no less important than anyone else in the church, they belong just as equally, they keep the covenants they made. will look at the new network shows. I had made a purchase at Dollar General the other day. I was asked for permission to share the information with his current bishop and stake president. Again, maybe I will feel differently in the afterlife, but my current life is much better than the angst, sorrow, loneliness, frustration, repression, and self-loathing I felt when I was trying so hard to live life as a righteous Mormon.Whether Heavenly Father approves of my having broke my covenants remains to be seen, but i do know he knows every aspect of my life with a perfect knowledge and will judge me accordingly. I don't have the energy to try and educate Latter-day Saints about gays and lesbians, and how amazing so many of them are -- whether members, non-members, or disfellowshipped or excommunicated "members." Traci, I appreciate your comments and questions. I know this.All I can say is that you never know what it's like to walk in another's shoes until you've actually walked in those shoes yourself. How do you know that? I have to say, I'm really touched by the description of your stake president. I find John's ongoing story (their story) inspiring. Some of them start dating non-members because they choose companionship over temporal loneliness. Cody, I wish I knew you personally and could wrap my arms around you in a hug of brotherhood. I already started the designer underwear. A few husbands may convert, but I think that's the exception. In the explanation of the Stake President, no one is given the job to argue against a member, as that would bring the Spirit of Contention into the proceedings, which would be contrary to the purpose of a Council of Love. You can believe whatever you want. Surprise Jonah. The Mormon urban legend and myth site, Mystery man convinces signing of Declaration of Independence. It's always interesting to hear others' experiences.That's very fascinating what your stake president said. They're denied a very strong physical desire, they're not given the reasons for the deprivation, yet they maintain membership honorably.What would be the reasons why a homosexual person in your situation is unable to do the same thing? In any case, I know the final judgment rests with the Lord, and I feel good about that.I still very much enjoy going to church. Once the testimony gathering from witnesses is done, it is their job to make sure that all of the things presented in favor of the member are considered as carefully as the information against them. Or perhaps the change had a different reason all together. I just finished Sting & Honey's production of *Hedda Gabler*, and I really But while most Saints enter the temple for the first time in order to be sealed forever to the loved ones they have chosen, in order for me to enter that place again I would have to say goodbye forever to the loved ones I have chosen. His website fosscreative shows a few pictures of him in his portrayals of the Savior. In the end he was excommunicated for apostasy and molesting me. Sacrificing Principle for Profit: Church Wildlife Enterprises and Hunting Preserves. A montage of scenes depicting the creation of the world is followed by a dramatization of the travails of Adam and Eve, as they are tempted by Lucifer, ejected from the Garden of Eden, and taught by Peter, James, and John. feel my soul has settled upon lately. if I would like a bag. Someone posted this link to q-saints, a gay LDS chat group on Yahoo. Each song links to a YouTube video. I find John's path courageous, and enlightening, but I think that it is soul-wearying for gays and lesbians to attend church when the process of educating Latter-day Saints to the fact that one can be both gay and spiritual -- and that LDS theology is large enough to make room for us -- is so arduous.John's comment on his June 8 blog, after a visit to see the St.Paul, MN temple with his husband reads:"I long to be in this sacred place, to stand on sacred ground, and be qualified to receive the revelation that being in such a place qualifies us to receive. He told me that there is a specific code assigned for different homosexual excommunications, depending on whether they still had a testimony at the time they were excommunicated. To the extent I have been able to let go of any desire to challenge or argue, I have felt incredible comfort, strength and support from the Spirit.Brian said: "I don't have his kind of courage. Cody,I would like to add a comment to your post and blog. Don’t use “they” and “church leaders” and “accused”. A former stake president in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has pleaded guilty in federal court to using his position to scam $1. Having been on both sides of the disciplinary council process, I could relate to the feelings you and your leaders expressed. I know that's judgmental, and I could be wrong.Here's my question to you. This summer just opened her We've got actors, politicians, athletes, and singers. I appreciate your openness in sharing this whole process and your mature attitude. It's taken me a long time to admit to this, partly because I simply didn't I am deeply grateful for you. As a perhaps too-young high councilor I participated in this process more than once. "It's my kids' favorite," Heyborne said in an interview with The Universe. I know that makes me a bad or brainwashed queer in the minds of many. Many fat single Mormon women are in your exact same position, wanting to marry, and not being able to due to situational circumstances. Heavenly Father has most definitely not stopped being with you. And if they did accuse you, what did they do – come to your door or storm into your workplace? Although I have been excommunicated from the LDS Church, I still cherish many aspects of my Mormonism. The FBI concluded it was completely false. He looked different and the lighting on him seemed to be slightly brighter than on the other actors. I'm glad you had loving support throughout the process. Thirdly, you say church leaders went to the FBI. Although I am no longer active in the LDS Church, I am an admirer of John's -- I don't think that I could, like him, return to the Church when it offers so little promise to the lives of its gay and lesbian church members. In the listings below, the names of actors playing Latter-day Saint/Mormon characters are shown in bold. The new movie adds about 15 minutes to the endowment ceremony, lengthening it from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Now that I'm on the other side, I find that one can be truly happy and not be a member of the church. These temples include the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple, Bogotá Colombia Temple, Ciudad Juárez Mexico Temple, Colonia Juárez Chihuahua Mexico Temple, Concepción Chile Temple, Durban South Africa Temple, Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple, Panama City Panama Temple… Like you, I got to be educated and spiritually fed. early ... Save Scouting! But here she was, clearly happier than I had ever seen her. I feel no loss of spirituality, no loss in my relationship with God, and I know I am happier (and anyone who has known me my whole life would agree that this is true). They are in charge of making sure that there is no bullying, intimidation, presenting of testimony from people who have no actual experience with the matter at hand, that the member has the chance to include any information they choose to, and to bear their testimony of the church. If I were in your shoes, I know I'd be buying some t-shirts. I enjoyed reading about your experience. A.True Ott, excommunicated by the Mormon Church for his controversial research, says he experienced death threats trying to get at the truth behind deep-seeded corruption in U.S. government and LDS hierarchy. I would think that the church would take money from anyone. God knows all from beginning to end, and he can see all the missing pieces we mortal beings cannot. Of course there is a difference between someone with a strong testimony that leads them to submit to, and accept church discipline, as opposed to someone who is angry, or simply resigns their membership. Wow. View my complete profile. I am filled with love for you! At the beginning of August 2013, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who worshipped at an LDS temple began seeing something that they hadn’t seen in over 20 years, a new version of the endowment temple film. As a father I also know of your challenges. Trees appear out of the fog like :). I'm an anxious person. George P. Lee, former LDS general authority, convicted child molester Bob Lonsberry , writer and talk radio host, expelled for "bad conduct" prior to 2001, has since rejoined [132] David Charles Manners , British writer and charity co-founder [133] The process of being interviewed by his stake president, the head of LDS social services in our area, and then writing the answers to the questions submitted by the high councilors, ahead of the council was exhausting. If you have a case of harassment that is valid and beyond mere speculation, take it to the Utah Bar Association. I guess I'm a late arriver, but thanks for sharing. The two eventually divorced, and she later remarried a man who was much better for her. "It did take some courage to start attending Church again, not knowing how I would be received. Frankly, as someone who is attracted to men, that idea doesn't even sound all that appealing, nor does the idea of being stuck in a heterosexual marriage when every inclination is to be with another man.As far as my own situation is concerned, Jonah is probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Since the 1970s, a portion of LDS temple instruction has been provided through pre-recorded media, including film. It obviously wasn't an easy decision for them to make and I think that those who know you best were touched by your spirit. It feels like yesterday and, Thanks for sharing your experiences, Julia. Admit LGBT boys and leaders! I'd rather feel fulfilled and happy now. Fortunately, no one will judge me or my actions but God, and I feel perfectly fine with that. None of that process, which while exhausting was also incredibly healing, could have happened if I had not been excommunicated. )Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your testimony. There are six members who are assigned to make sure that a member's rights are being looked after as part of the council. There is not much more to say, but happy you have such great friends, family, and a partner. The cashier asked I do hope all will continue well with you. The LDS Church has boldly excommunicated critics as punishment and retaliation, except for one, whom they've kept quiet about to prevent him … If you have, you'll know he has been with his partner (now husband, since their recent marriage in California!) I am so grateful for you. Just as non-members are welcome to comment or ask questions, I didn't think it would be any different for you. I had assumed that the information had been passed on already, and that the leaders had chosen not to act on the information. If you have facts’ state them. "That was very profound, Brian. (I have no idea if that will happen, but he seemed pretty convinced that it would happen in his lifetime, and I know that he has counseled several gay members to not resign, but instead to go through the church disciplinary process so that they continue to have a file and church record number assigned to him. Is that speculation and paranoia on your part or a dramatic statement without foundation to support your position. This is a sincere question. Even your first sentence indicates you have a bias and prejudice and a purpose to accuse rather than state facts. There are sooooo many who have had a similar experience as yours. LDS temple worship differs from regular Sunday worship services held by 29,014 congregations in buildings called chapels or meetinghouses. It is also not certain as to the reason why the possible editing changes even occurred. By all outward appearances, she should have been living an ideal Mormon life, but husband was killing her spirit. You too are so blessed. At the beginning of August 2013, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who worshipped at an LDS temple began seeing something that they hadn’t seen in over 20 years, a new version of the endowment temple film. Love and peace..! I applaud them for being diligent. Please throw some mag... "To what degree should the principle of 'respect for life" be extended to If the “church leaders” thought you were going to bomb churches, why wouldn’t they have gone to the FBI”, Your story is full of holes and drama. I'm as sure as you are that everything will work out in the end. should have written more about the process along the way. I'll accept his perfect judgment, and I am convinced he knows my heart and my situation with perfect clarity. Thank you for sharing this sacred experience with us. I think that you probably planted the seeds of change on Sunday just by being yourself and letting them hear your testimony.I really like what Jonah said about how "you've never left." These are three identities that have really shaped and influenced who I have turned out to be. ;), I hope you do read John Gunther-Wrathal's blog postings (; I see that he is linked to your blog. I have absolutely no regrets. My friend left the church (for many reasons), and I remember seeing her and how happy she was and being confused because I had always been taught that one could not achieve happiness without the church in one's life. What do the scriptures, Joseph Smith, and other )We don't always know what will happen, or how much a choice to be obedient will help us in the end. The studio built a complete film processing lab in order to avoid outsiders seeing the footage when the film was processed. I have a confession to make. It is screen shots of the actors/actresses who play Adam and Eve and Satan in the THREE new temple endowment movies. Please join us on Mormon Stories Podcast as we discuss the Mormon Church’s announcement that it plans to excommunicate Sam Young for attempting to Protect LDS Children from sexual abuse... – Lyssna på 973: Sam Young Set to be Excommunicated for Protecting LDS Children from Sexual Abuse av Mormon Stories - LDS direkt i din mobil, surfplatta eller webbläsare - utan app. TV Shows. I'm grateful that you handled the experience in such a positive way. You will be just fine; you have a great mother and great friends and neighbors. Thank goodness for individual revelation, or we'd all truly be wandering around in the dark. This is the human cost of the organization's senior leadership not knowing or working hard enough to get the answers we need, and apparently of the Church itself not being ready for that new instruction either. There is no pain to ease. Your email address will not be published. Thanks for sharing. Spiritually. Hmmm, I've just stumbled on your blog. I am hoping in the eternities all of us will find answers to the perplexities of life and ultimately happiness which is elusive at times here.Wish you the best Cody in your endeavors! It is unclear whether the information was actually passed on at the time. Actually testifying, and not only going through all of the abuse, but also the rest of my life, my abusive first marriage, my thoughts on why my first husband was testifying on his behalf, and why I had been excommunicated, was the most emotionally draining thing I have ever done. Again, I have no way to verify that, so I am sharing it as a third hand piece of information. 2Xist and Aussiebum are my recommended favorites. .hide-if-no-js { In response to your queries, no, I don't think I'm fooling myself at all. The last pair of endowment movie Adam & Eve's have been identified. I am exhausted. Audience members make the same covenants as Adam and Eve during the course … Unfortunately, that is all I know about him. That's what I care about.The women you describe sound unfulfilled. Not long after the change, members also began to notice that of the two temple films that most temples showed, the one containing the edited John began being shown less and less often. I still have not had my temple blessings restored, but I have faith that it will happen when I, my husband and The Lord are ready. Or did Fred Hunting ask to be removed from the temple film? Until them, I am fine. He told me that he thinks it is vital for gay members to both go through the excommunication process, rather than simply resigning, so that when the church stops excommunicating members for being gay, they can go back to those records and invite those gay former members to come back. We now know who all of these endowment movie actors/actresses are. Men are fallible, and I'm sure there are instances when things are not done properly, and just like any court, it is justice for a person to be able to appeal. Remember that, and keep in mind to never truly leave.I wasn't surprised at any of the rules you now have to follow, except that you can't make comments in church or pay tithing. Special thanks to u/LeroyParker for the info. Thanks for sharing this experience. The best relief to my I feel it is the right thing to do, and I am grateful that Jonah is supportive of my choice to do so. It's nice to know something of what to expect.That is very interesting that they won't accept tithing from you either. Satanic influences abound and corruption must stop in order to avert World War III, claims Ott in his upcoming book ‘Free At Last.’ Gay people like me will never find a mate in this life if we stay true to our covenants. But I did feel the need to at least you my council as a teaching moment, and I think I succeeded. conversation around SSA/LGBT Mormons by leaps and bounds. Do you think Heavenly Father really approves of your decision to break your covenants in order to maintain a companion relationship when so many women are required to deny themselves of this very thing to stay active, and they do, sometimes never knowing the reasons why?