(Select all that apply. D. Perform ADLs for the client. c. This is a big change for you. A nurse assesses a client with a cast for potential compartment syndrome. The nurse administers an inhaled bronchodilator. The nurse instructs a client on the steps needed to obtain a peak expiratory flow rate. A client has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome but does not want to take the prescribed medications. For which medication does the nurse plan primary teaching? A client is in the family practice clinic reporting a severe cold that started 4 days ago. Client had a subtotal thyroidectomy & now has tingling around lips-nursing intervention? What drugs should the nurse anticipate administering? The emergency department (ED) manager is reviewing client charts to determine how well the staff performs when treating clients with community-acquired pneumonia. This module contains 300 multiple-choice review questions with detailed answer explanations to ensure comprehension of the material. A nurse is developing a plan of care for the nutritional needs of a client who has stage IV Parkinsons disease. Which statement should the nurse include in this clients teaching? What action by the nurse is the priority? c. Your risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is higher, especially if you smoke. The health care provider orders a chest x-ray. Client with a red, hot, swollen right wrist. c. Strengthening exercises are important. Which assessment finding requires immediate action? To reduce this risk, what activity should the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? A client is distressed at body changes related to kyphosis. 65 terms. c. Since you have a family history of cystic fibrosis, I would encourage you and your partner to be tested. c. Raise the lower siderail on the affected side. After teaching a client who is prescribed salmeterol (Serevent), the nurse assesses the clients understanding. What assessment technique is correct? a. a. Assess the client for the presence of subcutaneous nodules or Bakers cysts. Allow the client uninterrupted rest time. After a knee replacement, the health care provider has prescribed morphine sulfate for postoperative pain relief. Which assessment finding warrants immediate action? a. & risks associated w/ abnormal values? A client takes celecoxib (Celebrex) for chronic osteoarthritis in multiple joints. What response by the nurse is best? The clients facial skin is very taut, limiting the clients ability to open the mouth. (Select all that apply.). A school nurse is conducting scoliosis screening. a. (Select all that apply. What action by the nurse is best? After consulting with a registered dietitian for appropriate nutrition, what other consultation should the nurse facilitate? Ensure that a consent for transfusion is on the chart. Make appointments to come get your shot. A client with osteoporosis is going home, where the client lives alone. c. Client taking raloxifene (Evista) who reports unilateral calf swelling. Which responses by the nurse are best? A nurse cares for a client who had a wrist cast applied 3 days ago. What action by the nurse is most important? a. I held the clients morning bronchodilator medication. A client has been hospitalized with tuberculosis (TB). (Select all that apply.). Which health promotion activities should the nurse include in this clients teaching? Client on finesteride for 1 month reports no relief in symptoms of urinary retention, nurses best response? lgripe. Difficulty. What action by the nurse is most appropriate? When should client w/ myasthenia gravis take meds? ), The nurse studying osteoporosis learns that which drugs can cause this disorder? monty1179. A nurse teaches a client who is interested in smoking cessation. Client teachings? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. a. 49 terms. Raise the arm above the level of the heart. What are the various functions of antibodies? A nurse is assessing a community group for dietary factors that contribute to osteoporosis. A nurse is caring for a client who has a tracheostomy tube. Which actions should the nurse take? What is Cushings disease? (Select all that apply.). c. Client has reduced breath sounds. The nurse finds the client weak and lethargic with decreased deep tendon reflexes. d. When the tube becomes disconnected from the drainage system. What suggestions does the nurse offer to help the client maintain self-esteem? (Select all that apply.). Most important question before client is to get CAT scan done? b. c. Wheezes are heard in central areas. My instructor decided to use the 2016 Med-Surg ATI as our final. Which assessment should alert the nurse to take immediate action? Contains thousands and the most comprehensive medical surgical nursing NCLEX practice exam . A nurse assesses clients on the medical-surgical unit. Levels about 52%(M)/47%(F) can mean erythrocytosis, severe dehydration, polycythemia, Levels below 42%(M)/47%(F) can mean anemia, hemorrhage, bone marrow dysfunction, dietary deficiency. Perform ADLs for the client. A nurse is developing a plan of care for the nutritional needs of a client who has. How am I dehydrated? Determine if the client can switch to a nasal cannula during the meal. b. What to include in planning care of client w/bacterial meningitis? Flashcards. Text Mode – Text version of the exam 1. The nurse notes that the skin around the clients pin sites is swollen, red, and crusty with dried drainage. d. Client with a spinal cord injury who cannot tolerate sitting up. (Select all that apply.). What action by the nurse is best? What action by the nurse is best? (Select all that apply. What signifies advancement of HIV to AIDS? What teaching by the nurse is most appropriate? b. These sample questions apply to all exams taken on or after October 25, 2014. Which action should the nurse take first? An older adult is brought to the emergency department by a family member, who reports a moderate change in mental status and mild cough. What action by the student demonstrates that more teaching is needed? A nurse auscultates a harsh hollow sound over a clients trachea and larynx. A client with Pagets disease is hospitalized for an unrelated issue. What is nurses best action? The client reports that sleep, which is always difficult, is even harder now. The nurse working in the rheumatology clinic is seeing clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A nurse works in the rheumatology clinic and sees clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). (Select all that apply.). Which clients are at greatest risk for asphyxiation related to inspissated oral and nasopharyngeal secretions? a. Which action should the nurse take first? The client reports pain in the limb that was removed. What action by the nurse is most appropriate? Client has been on corticosteroids, problem is solved & client states being ready to stop drug therapy. The client also has osteoarthritis (OA). Applying suction while inserting the catheter. Which question should the nurse ask the client in response to this finding? Increased pulmonary pressure creating a higher workload on the right side of the heart. A nurse assesses a client who is prescribed varenicline (Chantix) for smoking cessation. Which features distinguish this from the acute form of the disease? (Select all that apply.). Gravity. A client is having a myelography. The client wants to finish quilting a baby blanket before the birth of her grandchild. b. Assess the clients level of consciousness. The nurse in the rheumatology clinic is assessing clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). How should the nurse respond? Which action should the nurse take to ensure safe use of this equipment? What action by the nurse is most important? (Select all that apply.). Which disorders are correctly paired with their manifestations? What is difference between early onset manifestations of MLS & ALS? The client reports a sore throat. A nurse evaluates the following arterial blood gas and vital sign results for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): d. Initiate oxygenation therapy to increase saturation to 92%. What safety precautions can the nurse recommend to the client? A nurse is teaching a client who has cystic fibrosis (CF). ), b. How should the nurse respond? Infection present in Fallopian tubes can cause scarring & blockage of tubes. b. (Select all that apply.). Applying water-soluble lip balm to the clients lips, A client is being discharged home after having a tracheostomy placed. Sequential Easy First Hard First. A nurse is caring for a client who displays signs of stage III Parkinson’s disease. A nurse obtains the health history of a client with a fractured femur. Due to limited finances, the event organizers must limit giving the vaccination to priority groups. The nurse evaluates that the client practices good self-care when the client makes which statement? Recommend a community support group. (Select all that apply. Which medication classification is paired correctly with its physiologic response to the medication? A nurse assesses a client with a rotator cuff injury. The nurse on an inpatient rheumatology unit receives a hand-off report on a client with an acute exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which action should the nurse take first? Which question should the nurse ask first? What response by the nurse is best? Client has venous ulcer on LLE, what else should be expected? 40-60 minutes before meals to enable better swallowing ability. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? A. Endocrine System 2. d. You need a new cast now that the swelling is decreased. Planning to teach about bisphosphonates. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... Med-Surg Evolve Questions ch. Which action demonstrates that the client correctly understands the teaching? Which assessment should the nurse perform first? The nurse is asked to assess the client for Heberdens nodules. Which drug would be appropriate to teach these clients to take for their symptoms?