Once she started threatening my life and harassing me at work, my boss (an ex-cop himself) called the police and I cut contact with her. Relationship with my mother is not possible when the price that I pay includes sacrificing my human rights, individuality and … Unconditionally loving my mother is only possible when I respect and love myself in the true definition of love. It’s really complicated. Brought me my interests now. "Don't blame me for the way you feel. "Oh, grow the hell up," she snips at you. Unconditional love towards my mother on my part no longer looks like me accepting her devaluing and abusive actions and regard towards me. –“ My Chinese mother expects my wife to obey her and wait on her when she visits, just as she did for her mother-in-law. Got mad at me because I took my cat (16M) to a park for the cat’s birthday. After some consideration earlier this year, I decided to tell my therapist I believe I’m a transgender girl. I’m a single parent of a daughter, aged 4, and I can see the contrast so clearly now I’m a mum myself, and it hurts me so much. And made him stop completely. Q - I’m feeling really confused and hurt by my mother’s lack of love and care towards me. My mother chooses to have hardly anything to do with my little girl – which is perhaps a blessing. “I had to do it with my mom. My [M23] boyfriend’s mom doesn’t approve of me [F24] because I am from middle class family relationships Original. On August 2020, I told my mom everything he has done. As an adult daughter currently struggling to accept my mother, I’ll tell you my reasons. And that is where the conversation ends. Forever. For his 16th, I loaded him into the car (which he doesn’t mind at all) and took him to a park by the lake. 16. this happened a few months ago but it really fucked me up and it’s been on my mind a lot. Detaching is an emotional concept and has nothing to do with physical proximity. I’m AGAB, 20 years old, live with my mother, and have always grasped with my gender. My mom has full custody because my dad then didn’t want any kids. But he doesn’t know any of this, and only sees me once a day every other weekend. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > ... My mom told me that she hated me a couple of years ago and that she regrets that I was ever born. You sit down with her and begin to tell her how she made you feel, but she quickly cuts you off. after a few hours of crying to my dad about how little i feel my mom has been involved in my life despite us living in the same house for almost 19 years, she came upstairs and listened. She was extremely verbally abusive toward me growing up. My mom doesn't like my husband because he helped me find the spine to stand up to her shenanigans. If you feel that bad, then the problem is with you, not me." Am I really a crazy cat lady? My mom doesn't believe me, hates my therapist. My mother just told me she doesn't love me Discussion in 'Family Matters - LSA Family Counseling' started by Marjorie, Feb 3, 2018. Mom doesn't give a damn how you feel. 2 days later she bought me food and said that she was sorry. Detach from Toxic Parents. “I’ve had my cat since he was 6 months old. Me (34F) with my BF (41M) of 2 years. I met my dad since second grade and has taught me love and joy. lifelesnesswiz 138 S 2021-02-26 10:11:52 I am dating this guy who is absolutely loving and adorable we have been together for 5 months now.