The best looking bodies are ripped athletic (but still too thin), strong fat (probably my favorite) and built fat. Maybe they gained 20 pounds in 15 weeks, but that was probably around 4 pounds of muscle and 16 pounds of fat and they started really skinny. Are pushups, pullups, running, rowing and crunches enough to strengthen my core to get me where I want to be? downvotes for 'no homo' - that shit's just weak. 0 | 0. Here’s an example of the “skinnier” type of skinny fat: As you can see, skinny fat is where you’re not overweight, but you hold a bit of fat on places that doesn’t show with clothes on. Climbing the ladder from skinny to anything else is way, way harder than going builtfat > athletic, or skinnyfat > otter. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. No matter how much I exercise I can't seem to even get to ottermode. *I hate lifting weights. Skinny Fat to Ottermode: The Steps You Should Take 1. Are you fat or skinny? The exercises that you mentioned are mostly bodyweight so once you're able to do 30-50 of them then you're building endurance rather than strength. They can do both at the same time by culking -- … Your right about the fat stored directly in your stomach, I have alot stored there as well. Skinny fat is the physique where someone looks skinny with a shirt on but fat with a shirt off. Edit: here And holy shit, people. He's the swimmiest swimmer you'll ever see, and he's got a pretty different bodytype. I consider myself skinny/ottermode, but with motivation and hard work, I'll be pushing myself to the athletic body type. I can barely bench about 24kg right now compared to your starting point. Muscular for the purpose of strength, strongman competitors and Olympic heavy lifters. Cage is a little creapy. No. But I guess if it makes me feel better, according, to that chart Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest athletes of all time, would have only been considered "built fat." At least later in his career. The skinny fat body is caused by doing cardio only, eating a poor diet and genetic factors; Skinny fat workout should include a mix of resistance training (HIIT and lifting weights) plus cardio; The skinny fat diet includes reducing carbs and sugar and eating more fruit and vegetables; Drinking lots of water is very important and will help with bloating. 0 | 0. awesometjgreen | 238 opinions shared on Dating topic. But naturally, if we were hunter-gatherers, you wouldn’t ever see men who looked like bodybuilders. Being skinny fat can have serious health consequences, and most people don't even realize it's a problem. What do you have against weights? What can I eat that will let me grow muscle but keep me lean? Ottermode is the term for a scrawny kid with a 6-pack. Umm I think you're under the false impression that the chart has some sort significant order as to which is hardest to achieve. You need to build muscle AND burn fat. How fat are you? pretty easy-if this is what you're going for.don't eat much.i think you're pretty much there. This sucks so bad because you don’t know whether you should focus on bulking up or losing weight. I'm pretty sure 'skinny fat' means that he doesn't have the muscle needed for that sort of physique. What should be my end-all maintenance body fat % to stay in ottermode? Not bodybuilder mode, more like Ottermode. lol @ the description "ottermode". And heck, even skinny skinny. I'm not sure if this would be the correct subreddit but I am hoping to reach otter mode. Now, I definitely don’t have a good idea of psychology. if your body cant handle some ingredients in the protein shakes try getting more protein from other sources. Take advice from people who know what they are doing. Lol…) Chris. "Getting too big" is not something that can happen accidentally, you have put a shitton of work into it. My friend says if I do a regular routine consisting only of Squats, Overhead Press, Dead lift, Bench Press, Pull ups, and Row, that I should be able to achieve this without any cardio. Athletic and Built look very similar but Built is more bulky. The Skinny-Fat Solution: How to Go From Skinny Fat to Fit Despite seeing many 'one-shoe-fits-all' solutions out there, there are different categories of skinny-fat individuals—three, to be exact. This is a poll mainly for females. At any rate, the best way to keep muscle while losing fat is HIIT and MRT, not weights and a diet. If you're fat, you're probably eating a decent amount of calories, so you need to make only minimal adjustments to your diet. As my roommate likes to tell me on hard days, "no food is bad food in moderation". This quiz might help you to know if you really are fat. You arent going to get big overnight. I would wait for other commenters to voice their opinions though, as I'm not too familiar with limiting your training like this. well im a current bodybuilder. if you're skinnyfat but want to get aesthetic, you'll want to increase your lean body mass (so put on muscle) and decrease your bodyfat for doing so, I recommend var 80mg ED, test-E 250mg mo/Thu, frontload with D-bol 30mg ED for first 4 weeks, Adex.5mg when gyno starts to show/nolva 20mg, 500IUs HCG E7D 4th week onward, (I'm not too in-touch with weight-lifting lingo, so please bear with me. This poll asks which male body type attracts you the most. The more likely scenario is that a fat person at say 45% body fat becomes a thin person at something like 25% body fat and the skinny fat shamers come down on the person. I'm a skinny fat ectomorph who just started to work out, and I really want to know. Please post your progress pics when you get a chance - 240lbs to 160lbs has got to look awesome! I may not be concerned with my image, but I’ve got my dignity! Posted by 7 years ago. Or something akin to that. What sort of recommendations would you have to keep up with a really lean but fit sort of body type? The goal is dropping to between 9 and 12 percent. I've been doing serious cutting through fasting, ketogenic eating and light cardio (walking/biking), around 50 pounds in the past 3-4 months. Dr. Neides cites a male patient who, at 46 years old, was a normal weight and what’s generally considered healthy BMI. Basically a completely weak guy with super low bodyfat. This plan to fix skinny-fat has worked for me, it's worked for others, and it will work for you.. Just ask my friend Jaden here Skinny To Shredded Teenage Transformation Workout Routine skinny to muscular workout routine is important information accompanied by photo and HD pictures sourced from all websites in the world. Is this workout good for a skinny fat (22 % bf) 16 year old wanting to get healthy and become ottermode? A skinny-fat guy starts out at 16 to 25 percent body fat, says trainer Will Torres, who runs Manhattan's Willspace gym. When you skinny AF, and still got a sad, poochy, muffin-top, beer belly gut. if your body cant handle some ingredients in the protein shakes try getting more protein from other sources. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Athletic and Built look very similar but Built is more bulky. What weight/body fat % should I cut to before I begin the bulking process? Ottermode, yes you feel tiny and some people might say you are skinny since of course I live in fucking America. Shane Duquette on August 3, 2013 at 3:47 pm. You've probably taken a million of these quizzes, but this one is unique! Why has there been such an influx of elitist dickheads in fittit with nothing more to offer than sarcasm and a "lulz read the faq noob". We must eat to live. I bet ottermode guy did as much work as bodybuilder guy (except maybe without the steroids), they just have different body types. Reply. The Skinny-Fat Physique is a term I use to describe a body that looks skinny with a shirt on and fat with the shirt off. 31. So do you eat calories to gain or do you eat less to lose fat? Yeah bro, might want to throw in some bicep curls 'cause you need to pump them guns, and maybe throw in some toe curls for some sick leg work. That's not what I meant. Have a look at some pics of Michael Phelps, he hasn't got pecs like your goal dude, or a six-pack. I've had a gym membership for 3 weeks now and I think I have actually gained some weight due to ingesting protein powder after every workout. Don't hate on otters please, Pic if interested: (post workout btw). I just wanted to make this. I still want to be able to wear my skinny jeans and such. 'Skinny fat' refers to people who are thin but have a higher body-fat percentage than is deemed healthy—and it can lead to these health risks, experts say. Girls however are more receptive and just have an instinct that you are in shape and more likely have a six pack. One of us, One of us I am so skinny fat right now. And holy shit, people. So I went with it. Skinny fat: You look scrawny with a shirt on. Each requires a different approach, and you should follow the plan that best suits your current situation. This poll asks which male body type attracts you the most. You're convinced skinny looks best because you're used to seeing models with god-tier genetics who could pull off any body type with their looks. Fat … wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Are you too fat, too skinny, or OK? 01-05-2018, 10:16 PM jade408 : Location: Oakland, CA. (My before photos are waiting and ready…but after observing my skinny-fat factor in all its glory, I gotta wait till I get my first gains up. Most people see muscle gains around 8-12 pounds of muscle per year as a maximum; keep in mind that over 4 years, you could gain upwards of 40 pounds of muscle, which is a LOT . i have been told to eat around 3000 calories and to bulk up and then get rid of any fat … I think to be around 10% I'd have to cut down to about 155. I'm 5'10, 192 pounds. They are overall much more healthy at 25% body fat than at 45% body fat. Body builder 9. Just FYI, but not all women swoon over very thin men, some like them to look more like a bear. such *** eggs 1 egg has 6 grams of protein and steak and meat and tons of stuff have protein. They are overall much more healthy at 25% body fat than at 45% body fat. Keep track of your progress. The reason I'm looking for skinny-fat transformations is because I'm in the current state. So far these workouts have consisted of 1 day on the stair master and a lot of abs exercises/ 1 day of upper body and leg strength minus abs/ followed by 1 day of rest. Do you have a goal body fat % I should be shooting for? The goal is dropping to … If you're fat, you're probably eating a decent amount of calories, so you need to make only minimal adjustments to your diet. Yoda +1 y. I identify as skinny fat/skinny depending on if I actually eat so yeah . But all in all, as long as a guy is healthy looking I don't really have a strong preference. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who googled Ottermode. lol) stage, and into something in-between what are referred to as the "ottermode" and "built" stages. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Shane Duquette on August 3, 2013 at 3:47 pm. I'm a skinny fat ectomorph who just started to work out, and I really want to know. Watch your diet, make sure you’re eating clean and training hard. I completely agree with you about that body being a model (not a swimmer). The more likely scenario is that a fat person at say 45% body fat becomes a thin person at something like 25% body fat and the skinny fat shamers come down on the person. >tfw in between skinny and ottermode Anonymous Fri Feb 14 11:55:48 2014 No. Skinny fat is a real, and remarkably common, phenomenon—deadly even. Hate it. 2. Ottermode or athletic is best. Guys who have been described as skinny-fat might not know whether to cut weight or bulk up when they want to gain muscle. 2013-09-12, 10:48 AM #174. If you’re not eating clean food, your physique will... 3. You've probably taken a million of these quizzes, but this one is unique! Lol…) Chris. I'm in between skinny fat and ottermode right now, but i play soccer so i guess i'm Pelemode . Ottermode dude doesn't look like he does much in the way of lifting, he just has a really low BF%. Particularly the chest, a lot of work has gone into that). 2. A good maintenance level would be around 10%-12% depending on how old you are. Reminder that 95% of you skinny faggots who think you have the perfect /fa/ body look god damn terrible and are closer to skinnyfat. Finally, and most dire of all, being skinny fat could shorten your life. I put a black box on the bodybuilders crotch out of prudence because he was just on his underwear. But i'm hitting the treadmill tomorrow, trying to lose some BF and get back into shape, i've been so lazy the last couple months. I put a black box on the bodybuilders crotch out of prudence because he was just on his underwear. To create this article, 52 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. That being said, Phelps definitely leans down and has a strong six-pack for race day. You're flat-out kidding yourself if you think you'll get that body (which isn't a swimming body, it's a model who spends plenty of time in the gym body) without weights. It doesn't say masculine to me, it says "drug addict" or "eating disordered." Typically, this hair covers various parts of the torso, including the chest and stomach. My goal is somewhere between ottermode and athletic, and to achieve that will take years from me, starting at ~15% bodyfat, which probably is a bit lower than the average. As a woman, I find that photo very unattractive. If you're 192lbs, you're a fair distance from that dude's weight. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Not built like wolves GAY OTTERS DEFINED. "but want to add more muscle definition without getting too big.". Skinny here, wish I could be ottermode but I feel like the most effay is a mix of both Anonymous Mon Feb 29 00:02:51 2016 No. I like skinny fat or ottermode. This is ridiculous. He insists that cardio would retract from my muscle growth since I don't eat enough. Some people like the look. Many people who are skinny think they are fat. Im 5.6 weighting bout 140 pounds and im skinny but got some belly fat. 11008707 File: 105 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0451[1].jpg [ View same ] [ iqdb ] [ saucenao ] [ google ] [ report ] That's really helpful to me and it seems like a good plan. 5'11, 150lbs, 25%+ BF. Is this workout good for a skinny fat (22 % bf) 16 year old wanting to get healthy and become ottermode? What it means to be an otter, an emerging tribe for gay men, is rather open to debate. Ottermode is pretty much most /fa/ body >> Anonymous Fri Feb 14 12:15:48 2014 No. I know dudes whose skeletons are bigger than that guy is. That guy is not a swimmer (or rather not ONLY a swimmer--if he even swims at all). This is why you look so scrawny with a shirt on. Still got my 6 pack though! Whether it's achievable at all will depend on your build. This is a poll mainly for females. I want to grow muscle but also be lean! Gay otters have body hair. all are ok, except for the "bodybuilder" (like the one in the picture) and the "fat as fatass". In fact, i don't think anyone can say anything about anything until they've seen my ass Yeah you don't wanna accidentally a Mr Olympia or anything. I see alot of people here claiming to be ottermode, but noone provides any proof of it. Skinny fat, builtfat , and ottermode are fine w/me. It might be enough to get the muscles big enough to reach your goal but I'm not sure - weights would definitely get you there though. So take my quiz, you won't regret it! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Many people who are fat think they are skinny. if you want to be more cut, just eat less till you get there. protein shakes just give it to you faster than the all natural theres not like a rule that says you cant be this big if you only eat natural … The thing is, I don't want to look skinny and super cut. I hate lifting weights. People seem to think that being skinny is the end all be all when many skinny people are just as worthless as fat people. I am really going for a cut lean look that's more muscular and defined than what I currently have. Cisco’s solution: Waddle on over to the gym, and get a … Like Brad Pitt from fight club. Make sure you’re always building on what you’ve already done and pushing yourself harder. Also, how much body fat do you have now? Deleted. I'm 17, 130 lbs. Ottermode looks a whole lot like go-to-the-gym-and-pick-up-heavy-things-mode. I want to continue to do this until I reach a certain weight, then begin bulking until I get to the elusive ottermode. It is all there including diet recommendations. It's likely you'll be stuck with otter mode at best because you simply lack the dedication to be anything but ottermode. After all, most skinny guys who don’t get in the habit of working out and eating a good diet will gradually become skinny-fat … protein shakes just give it to you faster than the all natural theres not like a rule that says you cant be this big if you only eat natural … Reply. 1 | 1. pic related. Make sure you know the skinny fat definition and symptoms so you can learn how to stop being skinny fat and prioritize your health. The narrow shoulders, tiny wrists, and longer frame is the exact recipe called for by Emeril Lagasse to create a stunning combination of looking lanky while also sporting a muffin top. well im a current bodybuilder. I want to get that athletic type of body not ottermode, skinny but you can see some muscles. There is no shame in some indulgence, either. I may not be concerned with my image, but I’ve got my dignity! I want to continue to do this until I reach a certain weight, then begin bulking until I get to the elusive ottermode. New guy wanting to get out of skinny-fat (or just fat? Are pushups, pullups, running, rowing and crunches enough to strengthen my core to get me where I want to be? ottermode > bodybuilder > average/dadbod > skinny > skinnyfat > fat - #175314365 added by dankzero at alert dapper next Shrew But chubby when you’re shirtless. If he had his shirt on you wouldn't be able to tell him apart from "skinny". You're ripped for 130lbs, great transformation. Archived. The 14th century in full armor. Should I still continue with protein supplements? I want to get that athletic type of body not ottermode, skinny but you can see some muscles. I wanted to create this because some people genuinely want to know if other people think they are overweight/fat or skinny. A study published December 2015 in the Annals of Internal Medicine involving more than 15,000 people found men with normal-weight central obesity had two times the mortality rate of those with BMIs that qualified as overweight or obese. You won't look ottermode without any muscle to show for it.This is only my perception, but most ottermodes have really visibly strong cores but relatively small shoulders/chest which gives them the small figure, so you could work those less. Skinny 3.Ottermode 4.Builtfat 5. This will accurately tell you your weight and what to do about it! such *** eggs 1 egg has 6 grams of protein and steak and meat and tons of stuff have protein. Bearmode 8. Skinny fat No longer attracted to at all (but I would give them a chance) 7. And would adding certain exercises like pull ups or swimming be beneficial? At any rate, the best way to keep muscle while losing fat is HIIT and MRT, not weights and a diet. Im training to be a dancer. Ok thanks. SkinnyFATS is to “Live Healthy, Live Happy” by eating the food you enjoy with the people you love, or eating the food you love, with the people you enjoy… well done on losing the 50lbs already and I hope you reach your goal. Hell, builtfat to athletic could easily be done in less than 3 months. I am very naturally skinny as I don't eat too much (6 feet, 150lbs, 9% body fat) but want to add more muscle definition without getting too big. When I was 140 pounds, I was not any stronger than I am at 115 pounds, just merely by being fatter. What I mean is I want to be skinny but having abs and some muscle. Go to the gym and lift. Hi, i'm a 14 year old boy that wants to look like this I'm 5'5 122 pounds and i look kind of fat, a little wide in a t-shirt, and have a little bit of moobs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The problem is that you have only a small amount of muscle mass. Of all the skinny fat curses, this one is by far the worst because there’s no hiding your emasculating butt badge of shame. How fat are you? The skinny-fat one looks plain-average to me. I'm moderately skinny-fat, and only recently started working out for a healthier, better-looking me. Being skinny-fat sucks, and there’s no reason to pretend it doesn’t. If he had his shirt on you wouldn't be able to tell him apart from "skinny". Nix the unnatural-looking ones. Personally I like ottermode the best. Being ottermode means having a bit of muscle mass and really low body fat, like sub 10%, and I doubt this many people have that honestly. >tfw used to be fat, now skinny fat and having trouble losing the last few kilos >> ... >>7788949 as ottermode you can pretty much wear everything as long as your legs aren't huge. Thanks for the link! Built 6. When I was 140 pounds, I was not any stronger than I am at 115 pounds, just merely by being fatter. Chubbyfat would be ok, too. Just do stronglifts and don't get too fat. Low enough to still see decent definition but high enough that you aren't weak from it. (My before photos are waiting and ready…but after observing my skinny-fat factor in all its glory, I gotta wait till I get my first gains up. :) ) Close. That's not what I meant. 0 | 0. 1 Comment. 1 Comment. I tried searching various forums but they mostly talk shit and say otter mode is for pussies. So do you eat calories to gain or do you eat less to lose fat? If we compare Google searches over the past ten years, we see that far more people are searching about being skinny-fat (yellow) than are searching about being an ectomorph (blue) or a hardgainer (red). You could probably lift for a year or 2 without getting as big as that guy. A skinny-fat guy starts out at 16 to 25 percent body fat, says trainer Will Torres, who runs Manhattan's Willspace gym. Women with normal-weight central obesity had a higher … Climbing the ladder from skinny to anything else is way, way harder than going builtfat > athletic, or skinnyfat > otter. Seriously though, see those links on the right side of the screen, you really are supposed to read the FAQ first - I am very naturally skinny as I don't eat too much (6 feet, 150lbs, 9% body fat) but want to add more muscle definition without getting too big. Would this be a good workout plan? I've been doing serious cutting through fasting, ketogenic eating and light cardio (walking/biking), around 50 pounds in the past 3-4 months. Chubby fat (but not with chest hair) 10. Although skinny-fat people have a low-to-moderate body fat percentage, they still look soft and out of shape because they have very little muscle mass. 7788984 File: 32 KB, 349x263, 1349103942858.jpg [ View same ] [ iqdb ] [ saucenao ] [ google ] [ report ] I follow each of my workouts with 6 laps in the pool doing different strokes. Ottermode = swimmer body. Hate it. I still want to be able to wear my skinny jeans and such. I think it just goes from smallest to biggest, left to right... That's it, it is a lack of body fat, with a few chins in there. The 14th century in full armor. I guess I'll try to integrate some weight training once I get to the bulking phase. pic related. I like it more than the actual "you don't say" meme cartoon. Our guide to twinks – the most hyper-sexualised gay tribe, and our guide to … One of us, One of us I am so skinny fat right now. Try the FAQ at r/gainit. How tall are you? Skinny-fat Wrap Up. Reply With Quote. Skinny, Ottermode, Built Fat and Skinny Fat. I don't know. as my favorite, i'll have to choose "builtfat". Work out like normal but only add about 300-500cal surplus to your daily intake. been at dance school doing street/hip hop for 2 years now and now wanting to start building my body up. Gay Otter: A man with think or thickish athletic build that usually has lots of body hair. My questions: What weight/body fat % should I cut to before I begin the bulking process? In fact, i don't think anyone can say anything about anything until they've seen my ass Yeah you don't wanna accidentally a Mr Olympia or anything. Can you point out a single thing in my entire post that would lead you to believe I haven't read the faq? At 5'8". I'm not totally sure what my body fat % is currently. Being skinny-fat seems to be more common than being skinny. I'm an ectomorph and I thought that's what you had to be to get to ottermode without some kind of extreme programme?