The Compton Crips, was founded by Mac Thomas, in the 1960s. As a result, Crip membership grew steadily and the street gang was one of the nation's largest by the late 1980s. Crip gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attaccs. The East Coast Crips brand is similar to a franchise, which consist of several independent street gangs. They failed miserably in becoming a positive movement because of their lacc of political leadership. De C-walk is een dans die vooral veel in de Verenigde Staten voorkomt. This peace treaty set off similar peace treaties around the U.S. between Crips and GD's, most notably in Kansas City and New York City. Grape Street Watts Crips The 97 East Coast Blocc Crips the The Q102 East Coast Crips, are located around 102nd Street and Towne Ave, in South Los Angeles. The Crips started recruiting neighborhood kids that wanted to take part in criminal activities, most of the kids recruited were African Canadians and African Caribbean immigrants. Kelly Park Compton Crips The Crips are a gang based in the coastal regions of southern California. Big Time Hustler Crips It started when a Crip killed a teen after refusing to hand over his jacket, the Piru Street Cryps were against attacks on innocent civilians and confronted the set. The Piru Street Crips was meant with hostility from other Crip sets not liking their belief about not harming non gang bangers. This page was last edited on 9 February 2021, at 16:25. The Crips began to increase violence and take over new turf. 102 Raymond Avenue Crips A broken 8-ball indicates a disagreement or "beef" between Folks and Crips. Ten Line Gangster Crips Most Crip sets wear blue. The 40s Gangster Crips are known to feud with gangs under the Gangster Crips (3x) card, especially the Rollin 40s Avalon Crips and the Broadway Gangster Crips. It is a common misconception that Crips sets feud only with Bloods. Diccen All Women Gangster Style is actually an acronym that stands for "C.ommunity R.evolution I.n P.rogress". One of the first Crip sets to emerge was the Doomstown Rexdale Crips, started in the late 1980s, the gang was made up mostly Afro Caribbean immigrants. Their main enemies are the Main Swan Bloods, Main Street Mafia Crips, and Avenue Piru Gang. 65 Menlo Neighborhood Crips The Avalon Garden Projects, is located on 88th Place, between Avalon Blvd and Central Ave. California Avenue Crips The Raymond Ave Crips consist of 120 Raymond Avenue Crips and the 102 Raymond Avenue Crips as well as the Pasadena Raymond Avenue Crips. Marvin Gangster Crips It later turned violent as gang warfare ensued between former allies. Gang’s who aligned themselves with the Rollin 60’s adapted the Neighborhood Crips also known as Deuces or Deuce Gang’s (2x) and gang’s who aligned themselves with the Eight Tray Gangster Crips adapted the “Gangster Crips” also known as Trays or Tray Gang’s (3x). Allegedly, the Hoover Criminals and the Main Street Crips, got into an confutation, followed by gun-fire. However, in 2009, their alliance ended on bad terms at a house party throw by the Main Street’s, who invited the Hoover Criminals. In his memoir, Williams refuted claims that the group was a spin-off of the Black Panther Party or formed for a community agenda, writing that it "depicted a fighting alliance against street gangs—nothing more, nothing less. They are also allies of the 52 Broadway Gangster Crips and the 51 Trouble Gang as well as the 87 Kitchen Crips. A 15 year old Fremont High School student named Raymond Washington started a gang called the Baby Avenues in 1969 in an attempt to be like the older gangs and copy the political activities carried out by other organizations such as the Blacc Panthers. The West Side Hard Time Hustler Crips (104 HTH) consist of the 104 Hard Time Hustler Crips and the 103 Hard Time Hustler Crips as well as the 78 Hard Time Hustler Crips. What does CRIP stand for? In retaliation, all non-crip gangs, including the Pirus, later formed an alliance that eventually became known as the Bloods. The 40s Gangster Crips aka 4 Pacc Crips, are allies of the 97 Gangster Crips and the 87 Gangster Crips as well as the East Coast Crips. This feud accounts for the majority of Crip on Crip bloodshed throughout L.A. Crips are also known to use the phrase "Crips don't die, we multiply", meaning they will never disapear because they will always branch out and create new Crip hoods forever. Another Crip faction was formed in the Scarlettwood Court complex which included the Scarlett Blocc Crips, Falstaff Crips, Tretheway Gangster Crips, and the Ghost Town Crips. Nevertheless, he persevered, and was soon known through the world of Black entertainment as "Crip" Heard, who danced without the aid of a crutch or an artificial limb. Lettin Niggas Have It The Crips have been known to work with the Folk Nation. C.C. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Crip sets. Project Gangster Crips, Dead End Gangster Crips Don’t Give A Fucc They share a close alliance with the 120 Raymond Avenue Crips and the Tonga Crip Gang. Varrio Largo 36 has a no hostility pact with the Santana Blocc and the Mona Park Compton Crips, this is because they live in the same hood. The 53 Avalon Gangster Crips (53AGC) also known as the 5-Tray Avalon Gangster Crips, are an African-American operating on the East Side of South Los Angeles, California. Which, consisted of an alliance between all Crip gangs, who falls under the Compton Crips brand. The 53 Avalon Gangster Crips are allies of the 52 Pueblos Bishop Bloods, due to their common rivalry with the Bloodstone Villians. The BGF is made up of Crips & Bloods that hit the prison system and needs protection from other prison gangs. Neighborhood Compton Crips They Claim “ABK” or “EBK” which stands for Anybody Killer or Everybody Killer. [37] Crips traditionally refer to each other as "Cuzz", which itself is sometimes used as a moniker for Crip. They feud with the 456 Island Piru and the Pomona 12 Street Gang, as well as the 357 Sin Town Crips. Mead Valley Gangster Crips Home Side Hustlers Gang East Side Hustler Crips The majority of the sets affiated with the Deuce (2x) card are produced by the West Side Crips gang. However, in 1971, Mac Thomas resented Raymond Washington for forming an alliance with the Piru Street Family (Piru Crips), who were arch enemies of the Compton Crips. the Mexican Mafia. Budlong Gangster Crips During the 1990s, many Crips moved up north to places like Canada to get in the growing drug trade. It was not a hard treaty to make: both Crips and GDs wear "blue". The 88 Hard Time Hustler Crips, are the only sub-set of the Hard Time Hustler Crips, located on the East Side of South Central, Los Angeles. The Five Deuce Broadway’s feud with the East Coast Crips (especially the Sixx Pac East Coast Crips and the Rollin 40’s Neighborhood Crips. In Compton race wars is at its highest mostly due the war between the A.T.F Compton Crips and the Compton Varrio 70's and the Tokers. Allegedly, the East Coast Crips robbed a Florencia 13 drug connection of a large quantity of dope. Nutty Blocc Compton Crips For example, the words "kick back" are written "kicc bacc". Most neighborhoods east of the 110 Freeway were friendly towards the Eight Tray Gangster Crips and adopted the Gangster Crips card and joined them in battling all NeighborHood Crips in addition to all Bloods. XVI. Which, resulted in the leader of the Figueroa Boys being violently beaten at a nightclub in LA. Casa Blanca Gangster Crips In 1971, a gang on Piru Street in Compton, California, known as the Piru Street Boys, was formed and associated themselves with the Crips as a set. After two years of peace, a feud began between the Piru Street Crips and the other Crip sets. The West Side Mafia Crips and the Angelo Mafia Crips, are the only two gangs in the city of Pomona, that fall under the Mafia Crips. When Buddha died, Tookie made blue the Crip color in honor of his death.